Answer a question with a question.

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Harden the ____ up
Kent, UK
Who says you are going wrong?


Leg End Member
Well it might send him up some hills. And if you don't ask you'll never know, will you?
Having read all the posts on this thread by the party who posted above, ought I to point out to Welsh Dragon, in some sort of interrogative form, that in a thread based on the use of questions it might be considered by many if not all that the use of a question mark is if not prerequisite then at least preferable?

Ought I also to beg lenience from Welsh Dragon for asking such long-winded questions with such a paucity of commas?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
One does not wish to offend, nor disappoint esteemed participants of this most wonderous game. therefore, may I ask the other party above to forgive me for my rather long winded and exagerated questions. ?
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