Another +ve

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Tetedelacourse said:
It might also be because he has been the most exciting rider this year, and the genuine buzz it gave you/ me admiring his precociousness has now been rubbished.

I remember feeling exactly the same watching Rasmussen and Contador zipping up the Pyrenees last year, then being embarrassed at my excitement later on.

Exactly how I feel. When I see exceptional performances now, the question is in my mind as to whether or not I'm watching the result of talent and training alone, and that takes some of the enjoyment out of it.
Couldn't have happen to a nicer fella.

So why did he have to dope if he had a 'natural' hemocrit of 50%.

How many types of stupid do you have to be?


back and brave
Tetedelacourse said:
It might also be because he has been the most exciting rider this year, and the genuine buzz it gave you/ me admiring his precociousness has now been rubbished.

That's definitely part of it but it's not Ricco per se, I think it was what he represented. Mark Cavendish represents the same thing for me; the new breed of cyclist - train hard and ride clean. Ricco pissed on that image. So, yes, I feel duped, and foolish for believing...

...but maybe I have been here before. Maybe I'm forgetting that the love of cycling takes over again and I dismiss the dopers as cheats not worthy of my respect. I dunno, I find myself using language far more vitriolic than I would normally, so I've not calmed down yet.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
WADA ahead of the curve with Micera

He (WADA's spokesman, Frédéric Donzé) was able to confirm that co-operation in the case of Micera has enabled its detection by WADA-accredited laboratories. "Thanks to the co-operation of the manufacturer of this substance (Roche) and of WADA-accredited laboratories, WADA received the molecule well in advance (of release onto the market) and was able to develop ways to detect it."
(Micera is the substance Ricco tested positive for).


Flim Flormally
Am I the only one to think Vandevelde's form is a bit suspicious? Basically comes from nowhere and at the age of 32 has a blinder.


Jim said:
Scratches chin.... thinks.... I wonder if this now, perviously undetectable substance was available, oooooh, say seven years ago ?

It's a fairly new product.


New Member
London (SW11)

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
According to the BR live TdeF commentary feed, rumours are surfacing of Piepoli testing positive now.

  • 16:06 CEST

    French television commentators are talking about a fourth positive on the Tour, namely Piepoli. It's unclear if this is speculation or if a fourth has indeed been officially confirmed.

    If that happens, we expect the team to disband.

  • 16:02 CEST

    Leonardo Piepoli's home in Monaco has reportedly been searched by police.


Nick1979 said:
Not quite...

Thanks fro the link, I was aware it was available prior to 2007 but did not think it was available 7 years ago. I've no idea what is particularly significant about 7 years ago BTW...


...fired by his team, despite no apparent failing of dope test (yet). Bet Ricco grassed him up. What a pair of turds.
Funny, I've just been reading about Piepoli in the Pantani biography. Never heard of him before and had been thinking to myself 'is that the same chap who just won a stage? However old must he be?'
No wonder Ricco knew that Piepoli was going to take the stage...:blush:
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