Another transport strike?

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Über Member
Being an object of parts of this thread (i.e., "the midge", who, hopefully, didn't "stay" for "too long"), I don't think I have much say about UK tourism (for my part, I'm wholeheartedly supportive of tourism in my own country, reduced as it is). Allow me just to express my genuine surprise to see a topic, whose participant express negativity towards tourism under the forum titled "Touring Cycling".
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Being an object of parts of this thread (i.e., "the midge", who, hopefully, didn't "stay" for "too long"), I don't think I have much say about UK tourism (for my part, I'm wholeheartedly supportive of tourism in my own country, reduced as it is). Allow me just to express my genuine surprise to see a topic, whose participant express negativity towards tourism under the forum titled "Touring Cycling".

Everything has positives and negatives. I could tell you both about Las Vegas, if you want!


Active Member
I'm wholeheartedly supportive of tourism in my own country, reduced as it is

On a side topic; where I now live - not here - most of my neighbours crossing the pond tend to go to Italy - or Spain, none seem to want to travel to Britain. Maybe it's the protests or the apparent attack on freedom of expression - which gets a lot of coverage, particularly police arresting ordinary fed-up people, or the now constant claim that Britain's heritage is a disgrace (London's mayor), whatever it is, people wanting to go on holiday will go where it is peaceful and they are welcomed.


Über Member
On a side topic; where I now live - not here - most of my neighbours crossing the pond tend to go to Italy - or Spain, none seem to want to travel to Britain. Maybe it's the protests or the apparent attack on freedom of expression - which gets a lot of coverage, particularly police arresting ordinary fed-up people, or the now constant claim that Britain's heritage is a disgrace (London's mayor), whatever it is, people wanting to go on holiday will go where it is peaceful and they are welcomed.

Which "ordinary fed-up people" are being arrested?


Its not just the visitors who are effected Families returning from holidays abroad will bear the brunt of it. I don't see what Border Force hope to gain. It will just make them appear to be bigger miserable basxards than they are already. It will not make them any friends or gain any sympathy for them. You do not get better work conditions by messing with the people you are supposed to be looking after.

How do you think we got the "weekend"? Or paid annual leave? Or sick pay? Benevolent employers or organising and industrial action?


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
the now constant claim that Britain's heritage is a disgrace (London's mayor), whatever it is,
Maybe you missed it from over there, but cycle-friendly heritage-hating Boris hasn't been London's mayor for some time. He became an MP, then stopped being mayor, then became Prime Minister, but resigned as PM when he couldn't find enough of his party willing to be ministers (primarily after appointing a notorious MP as a minister, seemingly despite being briefed there were allegations yet to become public), then resigned as an MP rather than be sentenced for lying to Parliament and trying to mislead and intimidate the investigating committee. For cycle touring, probably his biggest legacy will have been creating Active Travel England, a government agency to improve cycling (and walking) led from its outset by Chris Boardman, but it's early days for that yet.
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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Being an object of parts of this thread (i.e., "the midge", who, hopefully, didn't "stay" for "too long"), I don't think I have much say about UK tourism (for my part, I'm wholeheartedly supportive of tourism in my own country, reduced as it is). Allow me just to express my genuine surprise to see a topic, whose participant express negativity towards tourism under the forum titled "Touring Cycling".

Just because I/we don't 100% approve of something doesn't necessarily mean that we don't do it ourselves.

For example, I eat meat and burn more fossil fuels than I really should. And horrors of horrors, some of that is for leisure miles on a motorbike.

I know it doesn't sit well with some, even myself at times! But too bad, it is called life and sometimes you have to put it ahead of your conscience.

Same goes for tourism. You can't please all the people all the time, so despite my reservations about it, I still take holidays away from home. Might even drive or fly to get there. And stuff the consequences, I'm not going to change the world!


Equally, you don't have to look very far to see the decay in small towns and villages that DO see tourism, as the sustainable local economy is gutted in favour of a very seasonal tourist economy that makes money for chains and a few attraction owners but brings high unemployment for most of autumn and winter. And if the resort becomes unfashionable, then what can you do with loads of accommodation, and eateries for people vho don't want to cook? Drug rehabs are one option but that further kills the tourist economy. Lots of bike theft seems to happen too, discouraging cycletourism. Has any resort found a good way out, touring-friendly or not?
Yes, there are examples that I can think off that show signs of decay despite tourism but from what I can see it is usually because of greedy private investors buying up property and turning into air B&B and the like. I realise that's a huge generalisation, but I can picture at least a couple of places where that's exactly the problem.
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