Another transport strike?

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Active Member
Just saw this on the Telegraph:

"Border Force to strike at Heathrow on last weekend of summer holidays

Hundreds of passport control staff will cause disruption for thousands of families between Aug 31 and Sep 3"

Fortunately I arrive on the 9th, but these constant strikes affecting transport do nothing to encourage visitors to Britain. Previous attempts to return have been stymied by rail strikes. It must be very discouraging for those who live here.
It must be very discouraging for those who live here.

Speaking as a Brit, I actively support protests at our airports that are specifically designed to disrupt.

Meanwhile, about half the (voting) population chose to increase border bureaucracy for us, so they must really love delays at airports 👍


Active Member
Would you agree that visitors who come and drop some money to help the economy and then leave are okay?
I do accept there are some 'visitors' who arrive and never leave that are the problem.
The world's population is on the move, mainly from poor and restricted countries to rich and open countries and there is no stopping that tide. The best any can hope for is that once arrived, the 'visitors' then become productive members of society.


Active Member
The people who want tourists are those who make money off them and the chambers of commerce who aid and abet them. You may have a pretty house and you may live in a pretty village and those who run the local pubs and B&B's and Premier Inns in that village want to earn money from those who want to see your pretty house in your pretty village.


No. Here we call them midges (pests that only appear in summer). See "North Coast 500, Scotland". Or Majorca. Or Greek islands, Canary Islands, etc...

Do you ever visit anywhere outside of your own locality?

I agree there are real problems with "over" tourism, if you get my meaning, but if tourism didn't exist or ceased thousands of local economies would collapse.


We didn't stay on topic for very long, but to take it back to the strike thing, yes it is definitely a pain in the derriere, but there's been a lot of failed negotiations before getting to the strike stage so you can't always blame the strikers and you can't only support the strikes that don't affect you personally.

For my tuppence regarding actual tourism, pre covid there was a lot of work, effort and cash being put in to encourage it as much as possible and now we have it without really trying, it seems to cause loads of complaints. I do accept that it must be a nightmare for some of our islands population to double overnight, but you don't have to look very far to see the decay in small towns and villages that don't see tourism.


Legendary Member
Its not just the visitors who are effected Families returning from holidays abroad will bear the brunt of it. I don't see what Border Force hope to gain. It will just make them appear to be bigger miserable basxards than they are already. It will not make them any friends or gain any sympathy for them. You do not get better work conditions by messing with the people you are supposed to be looking after.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
but you don't have to look very far to see the decay in small towns and villages that don't see tourism.
Equally, you don't have to look very far to see the decay in small towns and villages that DO see tourism, as the sustainable local economy is gutted in favour of a very seasonal tourist economy that makes money for chains and a few attraction owners but brings high unemployment for most of autumn and winter. And if the resort becomes unfashionable, then what can you do with loads of accommodation, and eateries for people vho don't want to cook? Drug rehabs are one option but that further kills the tourist economy. Lots of bike theft seems to happen too, discouraging cycletourism. Has any resort found a good way out, touring-friendly or not?
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