Another thing that really annoys me...

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New Member
papercorn2000 said:
See those stupid adverts for stuff for women to put on their faces so that they can slow (or even turn back) the relentless march of time?

Anyway, my Mrs. says "Why can't I look like that?"

"'Cos the girls in the fecking adverts are 15 years fecking old!":angry:

I don't mind them. They show reasonably attractive, wrinkle free women of slightly less than a certain age waffling on about feminine trivialities while smearing cream into their pretty faces.

In fact I quite like them.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Not all females fall for the adverts :tongue:

I never previously worried about 'fine lines' (pösh for 'wrinkles') and other stuff like that. Then one day I realised I had 'fine lines around the delicate eye contour area'.

Rather than buying L'Oréal's new Oxy-Pantothenic-Panthenol-Pro-vitamin-Vitalift-AgeDefying-skin-smoothing cream, I just thought, "oh, now I'm over 35 I'm beginning to get wrinkles round my eyes like almost everyone else over 35." Sometimes it's a relief to get older - you aren't expected to look young and sprightly (not that I ever did) and can just start sagging and going wrinkly quietly in the corner.

And, as an aside, why is it that men with wrinkles at the corners of their eyes are waaaaaay sexier than without? Why doesn't this work for women?


New Member
Auntie Helen said:
Not all females fall for the adverts :tongue:

I never previously worried about 'fine lines' (pösh for 'wrinkles') and other stuff like that. Then one day I realised I had 'fine lines around the delicate eye contour area'.

Rather than buying L'Oréal's new Oxy-Pantothenic-Panthenol-Pro-vitamin-Vitalift-AgeDefying-skin-smoothing cream, I just thought, "oh, now I'm over 35 I'm beginning to get wrinkles round my eyes like almost everyone else over 35." Sometimes it's a relief to get older - you aren't expected to look young and sprightly (not that I ever did) and can just start sagging and going wrinkly quietly in the corner.

And, as an aside, why is it that men with wrinkles at the corners of their eyes are waaaaaay sexier than without? Why doesn't this work for women?[/QUOTE]

Because wrinkly women look shrivelled up and less fertile. And they are.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Anyway, as an aside, I was playing 'spot the orange bird' when forced to go out shopping earlier....... soooooooooooo fake......and in freezing Feb................


Legendary Member
papercorn2000 said:
See those stupid adverts for stuff for women to put on their faces so that they can slow (or even turn back) the relentless march of time?

Anyway, my Mrs. says "Why can't I look like that?"

"'Cos the girls in the fecking adverts are 15 years fecking old!":angry:

Must be a Strathaven thing.....:tongue:

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Arch said:
Is it Andi McWotsit, does ads for... can't remember the brand (shows how well it works on me) - the 'you're worth it' tagline one... anyway, she always looks like my Mum does when she disapproves of something on telly - sort of tight lipped....

I guess the men's equivalent is those razors with 87 blades and a gel lubricant strip, and a 'shaping blade' in the other end. Guaranteed to turn any slightly podgy bloke going thin on top into a greek god (and personally, I'd probably prefer him a little podgy and thin on top, if he just had a nice sense of humour...)

You sound like my kind of lady:biggrin:


Bird Saviour
simoncc said:
Because wrinkly women look shrivelled up and less fertile. And they are.

Whereas it doesn't show on men that they are too old to get it up, so they get viagra instead of face cream :biggrin:
i've often joked that if i've got wrinkles round my eyes by the time i'm 40ish they'll most likely be laughter lines and that i'll be quite happy provided i can remember the memories that have caused the laughs and lines.


Über Member
Pushing tin said:
i've often joked that if i've got wrinkles round my eyes by the time i'm 40ish they'll most likely be laughter lines and that i'll be quite happy provided i can remember the memories that have caused the laughs and lines.

Yeah. Easy to laugh about it before it happens.

I don't know why Arch is so coy with* me. I have a sense of humour.

I think she just has a prejudice against Southern men.

* marketing speak for 'horrified by'
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