There's room for everyone who shares. But when they take the lion's share, when (tipper trucks, in particular) kill and cyclists are merely collateral damage (pennies for the driver, thousands for the operator, untold grief for the victims and their families) in Traffic flow London, you have to ask when the killing will stop. They're not designed for urban streets. Worse, they're completely unsuitable for urban streets. Statistics show that clearly. And the cost of insurance doesn't work as a disincentive because the cost of the deaths, the emergency treatment, is exported to the families and the NHS. And the law....
An FoI request just revealed that TfL's buses kill or injure one every day ( More collateral, though it's not restricted to cyclists.
I have wondered whether a ''We'll only hold you up when you knock us down'' campaign is overdue. Because it's true when it comes to cyclists. (And I note that the Bow roundabout has been holding up traffic all day since.) But I'm in a more of a ''Drive like *****, get taken off the road like *****'' mood right now.