I think I'm an adrenaline addict. It was an ambition of mine for a long time to break 50mph. I made 49.9
here. That corner is sharper than it looks and braking down for it was 'interesting.' I couldn't look at my garmin, as I was concentrating on staying alive, but was convinced I'd done it. I got home, downloaded the data and found 49.9.
This thread has got me wondering. Do I have too many bikes?
I've a carbon bike for 'best' bike. A steel bike, which does most miles, bought as an audax bike, with guards and discs. An aluminium cross bike, with flat pedals, rack, mechanical discs and guards for commuting. To be honest I could probably lose the carbon, which is currently languishing on the turbo. I don't really like the cross bike, though it is quite workmanlike and less likely to get stolen. It is sometimes left at client's premises for work purposes. Our bikeshed at work is very safe.
Selling the carbon and the cross could buy a good commuter / winter bike. My equilibrium could do everything else.