I am 75 and been retired 12 years.
Shred them. They are over 10 years old. If you are really worried scan them using your phone and put them in a digital folder somewhere, but they aren't much use.
I am 75 and been retired 12 years.
strictly speaking the petrol part wasn't wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the course of business, in fact it was unnecessary!
Its as well to keep everything as HMRC do make mistakes, so you need your own back-up to correct them.
After the first Mrs Byegad and I divorced I paid maintenance for my boys. Every year HMRC sent me a form to fill in, as my income was PAYE, the only 'assets' I 'owned' were debts following the divorce, it was obvious that the only thing they could be interested in was the maintenance payments. I duly filled out the form each year with the vast majority of the 'returns' being filled in a NONE. As a consequence my P60 was a vital document. Once one of the boys moved in with me the payments stopped, she was not paying me, and I was not paying her. Still I got two more forms to return until I wrote a note enclosed with the last one outlining the circumstances. They lost interest at that point.
Many years later I got a bonus from work which for some reason they didn't tax. A couple of years went by and HMRC contacted me asking for back tax and fining me £100, presumably for their mistake!
I duly paid it.
Again time passed and we, the present Lady Byegad and myself inherited my out-laws house, upon which Lady Byegad had been paying a mortgage, long since paid off. HMRC were all over us like flies on 'the proverbial', we owed Capital Gains Tax. Presumably because when we married we didn't put her parents out on the street. They billed us both for the tax, and on mine I had a credit of.......£1.57. Owed by HMRC to me for overpayment of tax on my bonus 20 odd years before. No apology, no interest just a credit.
HMRC are an unprintable bunch of ne'er do wells, to say the least. But I should be careful, they might find out where I live.