Andy's Modelmaking Misadventures

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Getting there slowly. Wonky bits hidden by camera angle. Now to do the weathering...


Über Member
‘Light the blue touch paper, and retire to a safe distance’?

I think I overdid the weathering on this...


Still, it was a good learning process, and the Zeppelin crew have a moderately appropriate model to stand on while they wait for me to get my act together and build at least a small Zeppelin for them to fly.


In the meantime, it's finished, only slight wonky, and I can clear the model making desk for the new year...



Über Member
Very nice! Bane has the look of Peter Cushing about him?
Are these plastic figures? I used to do the warhammer lead figures as a kid. Those are now plastic almost airfix style kits which IMHO lose something. I did hear those into the hobby call them plastic crack now due to the way it becomes an addiction.

It is interesting the layering up of paint needed to make something look aged or battered like in the warhammer figures I used to do. Usually a base layer of black into the chainmail before a light cover of the surface with a silver/ metallic cover. Of course primer and undercoat. I used a white paint (cheap) then a black mostly and then the surface coat IIRC. Long time ago but despite no artistic ability I somehow made those figures look good.
Are these plastic figures? I used to do the warhammer lead figures as a kid. Those are now plastic almost airfix style kits which IMHO lose something. I did hear those into the hobby call them plastic crack now due to the way it becomes an addiction.

It is interesting the layering up of paint needed to make something look aged or battered like in the warhammer figures I used to do. Usually a base layer of black into the chainmail before a light cover of the surface with a silver/ metallic cover. Of course primer and undercoat. I used a white paint (cheap) then a black mostly and then the surface coat IIRC. Long time ago but despite no artistic ability I somehow made those figures look good.

Those two are, although all the others I've painted thus far were metal.

And yes, they can get addictive.
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