You can use Strava (I used the android app until I got an Edge 500 or Google's own My Tracks app (
click here) as an alternative.
For a better GPS signal you can disable wifi, bluetooth and 3G/mobile data connection. If you do as I did and you're just setting it going then keeping your phone in your pocket/bag then this doesn't inconvenience you. If you're not bothered about incoming calls then just put it in airplane mode. Disabling data will also mean the phone isn't syncing data, using up battery, when all you want it to do is record the GPS trace.
I've found that with an Edge 500 the GPS trace is more accurate, in that I always seem to be on the lefthand side of the road, whereas with a phone GPS I'm somewhere on or near the road. You can use the GPS Test app (
click here) to see what accuracy your android is getting.