Amazon Returns

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Well-Known Member
Luckly for the environment this time there was nothing to return, not even the packaging.

Side question - Isn't there a company/website that sells returned items or am I making that up?
There was a BBC article a few months ago about a company in France which sells unsold/returned items. Don’t know if there’s a UK equivalent.
Update: I ended up going to Duracell who gave me a voucher to get them replaced direct from them. it was a low value purchase, i wouldn't like to faff around with something of higher value, no doubt you'd get passed pillar to post


Heavy Metal Fan
something of higher value, no doubt you'd get passed pillar to post

It sometimes baffles me though, when companies do faff around with something even worth £100. They probably spend hundreds of thousands a year on advertising, trying to build and promote their product, but for all they know you could start a campaign over your treatment/lack of refund on social media and spread a lot of negativity. Which is why I think Amazon are always quick to refund rather than faff. But I guess they've also got to weigh up their process against the chnacers, they can't be seen to be too lenient else all bad folk would start taking advantage
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