Well-Known Member
Having experienced 4 x F-15s fly directly over head while was out fishing. I can confirm they are magnificent sight.
Took me back to my first visit to the Bovington Tank Museum. You dont actually realise how big those things really are till you see them in person.
It's 08:05am in the morning as I type & TWO of the noisy bastards are outside "dogfighting" now - Have a Heart, USAF (Laughs)
Yes, they really ARE a magnificent sight & am not entirely sure "why" they "dogfight" here, regularly, but they DO !!!!!
We're near the North Sea AND live in very sparsely populated countryside, that's probably as to "why".
Frequently happens here, sometimes as much as 2,3,4 times a day, although often only twice a week
To be fair, it's unpredictable, but then again, makes it more "fun" - More tolerable later around lunchtimes, or after.
It's hard to believe that the (local, above), F.15's have been here since 1994 ('LN'), but they have.
Sadly, I wasn't living here, when the F.111's were screeching around, but then again, they didn't "dogfight" - (not their job !)
I saw our Red Kite eating a dead 'something' last-week, close by, whilst cycling the countryside block on my bike
It's a quality bike (mine all are) & run silent as a 1943 U-boat, trying to escape detection !!!!!!
That meant, when I just suddenly appeared (by a Tractor 'gap' in the Hedge), it startled him & he (Red Kite) sadly flew-off.
Closest I've been to him/her for quite some time - coulda thrown a tennis ball at him, he was that close (but I wouldn't !)
Meantime, the adjacent crop has grown & grown (& been crop-sprayed), so the Oystercatcher is sadly long-gone.
Back to those planes you mention - I have "deep love" for the F.15's, esp' "dogfighting" & watching them "chandelle" & dive.
But these 'new' F.35's are ugly as sin - And they're rather like Lord Lucan - Non-Existent ✂️
No wonder my interest HAS turned across to avian-birds !