Hi all,
I've only been cycling for about six months but want to try and get as fast as possible so I can keep up with the local club run.
Currently I can average 15-16mph without pushing too hard but I want more!
Haven't had as much free time as I'd like recently to spend on the bike but I've just started cycling to work every day to try and solve that problem. This is what I do...
1 hour in the morning of HR zone 2 with 3 x 10 mins tempo effort.
15-20 minutes tempo in the gym at lunch (mixture of high cadence and big gear work).
30 minutes home zone 2 but with a 1 mile climb in the middle which gets my HR up to around 90% max.
Trying to fit in a longer (around 2 hour) zone 2 ride at the weekend too.
Do you think this is a good plan? Any suggestion of ways to change/improve it?