Am I on a delay?

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Obviously an Aubergine
I haven’t got a delay......

and I want one

You can have mine if you like :rolleyes:


Obviously an Aubergine
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Last edited: Tomorrow at 08:40

My great grandfather just texted to say that this is wholly inappropriate post.



68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I haven’t got a delay......

and I want one


Don't read anything into the 'honey' bit. :laugh:

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
But enough about that, I'm still waiting for the final battle between him and @I like Skol.
I tolerate the imposter as he is useful to me. I send him into hostile situations before me so my many enemies may reveal themselves by mistakenly killing him! Besides, his obvious imitation is flattering. I can understand his desire to try and replicate my magnificence and authority. It is a weak attempt.....
It's hard to argue against the problematic status of a character created in 1934 named Ming (a very well known Chinese dynasty) from Mongo (ahem.) dressed in the finest garb Chinese cultural appropriation can provide.

But enough about that, I'm still waiting for the final battle between him and @I like Skol.

I'd prefer to "see" them have a love in on
As they obviously have similar grooming habits.
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