Am I being stupid??

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i think they geniuely enjoy your company so you are not stupid!if you still feel like you are ruin there ride, to make yourself feel abit better how about leaving the house before them say like 20/30mins earlier and let them catch up with you

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
i think they geniuely enjoy your company so you are not stupid!if you still feel like you are ruin there ride, to make yourself feel abit better how about leaving the house before them say like 20/30mins earlier and let them catch up with you

Great idea. When I started my hubby came with me a few times, but didn't like me waiting for him. I told him I didn't mind at all and I enjoyed it, but he wouldn't come after a few times. On one occasion we did our short route in opposite directions so he didn't feel under pressure which meant I saw him on the way round for a quick hello, but, since then, unfortunately he's lost the bug and doesn't go out with me.

I also suggested different start times, but he didn't like that idea either.

I've just got to do the majority of my miles on my own, with another few with a group of girls occasionally. And I LIKE waiting at the top of slopes, etc for some of ladies, it means I can breathe and chat

Keep it up an keep them company.
I usually cycle alone my friend comes with me he is slower than me as I do a lot of cycling.
But to be honest I would prefer to cycle with him any day rather than alone.
Just go for it its fun as above have already said it looks like they enjoy your company and its not a token invite as you wouldnt get repeat invites


My brother started cycling recently on a hybrid, and he is slower than i am. He is also younger than me, so i get a lot of verbal abuse when i reach the peaks before he does, i get a longer breather. We have always been competitive, and i'm sure he will try to beat me one day on a roadie.
All of that means nothing to me, just great being out together,talking about stuff (mum,dad,respective wives,kids,football,hotties in cars), is something i cherish now, it is something i really look forward to ..... You are blessed with a great BIL and hubby , stop feeling inferior or a spoilsport for not having the fitness, it will come. ENJOY!
yea it fun cycling and more fun cycling with someone..i am diein for a cycling buddy
And me! I cycle alone but would love to be able to find someone to train with. I have never ridden with a group.

It's quite heart warming to see we all want to ride with our other halves. My goal is a family ride, my boys are 6 and 71/2 the youngest is just a bit to scatty for the roads.
Riding with other people makes the miles fly by and I like to mix it up so that I can push hard when riding alone (or with fitter people...of which there are many!) and then relaxing and enjoying a chat with friends of similar ability or those that are slightly slower than me (of which there aren't many!). Tbh there are often times when I need an excuse to go slower (if knackered) so prefer a leisurely ride...


World class procrastinator
Just go.
I take my hubby out with me, he is not nearly as fast as I am (I am not fast at all, but faster than him) and its nice to have someone to cycle with. Sometimes he takes his roadie and I take my MTB, he likes this as he says he can keep up easily and we both get a really good ride.

Just keep pedaling away. Is there any chance you can get out in the week to sneak a bit of extra fitness in? That way you will be keeping up with Hubby & BIL in no time.

I know exactly where you are coming from, not wanting to hold up the others and all. I had an ex BF who was in to his cycling and I would go with him and he would whinge like buggery because I held him up and 'ruined' his ride. But Hubby & BIL are not whinging, so I would just keep going, especially if they are asking. They obviously enjoy you going with them.:bicycle::bicycle:
No doubt that you will be on here soon, saying how you scalped them both going up some hill or other as you have got better at cycling ^_^

Pedal Bob

Active Member
I love when my wife comes on a ride with me for exactly the reason that I can ride slower and enjoy the scenery, whereas she, like you, thinks she is holding me back. When I ride myself, generally I treat it like a work-out and don't actually take time to enjoy the surroundings so this gives me the perfect excuse to take my time.
Just accept you are slower than they are and let the stress go - it will help you speed up without trying. My husband usually cycles behind me and paces himself to my speed. Every now and again I get frustrated because I know I am holding him up, but I have learnt to accept it over the years (medical reasons dictate this as well as his muscle mass (think thighs) which I simply have never had and will never have). If I am holding him up badly on a climb I just tell him to go ahead and he waits for me at the top, never normally more than 30 seconds or so, and I always make sure I do not stop at the top... If have found it helps me (just don't ask if it makes no sense to you, but it seems to have helped with my stamina) and every now and again I find I am a touch quicker than he is in certain conditions (helps with the confidence no end!).

I have had to accept that I am not that teenager who could carry the same weight & go further than he could when we first met (hiking/long distance walking). I think it is part of growing up - something I am trying hard not to do ;) .
PS - if you want to be able to cycle at the same speed as them, slimpy slow them down by making them carry more (worked wonders on our 12 month tour and he felt equally as knackered as I did which made for a really nice change(!) as well as being something he was not used to and helped him to understand what I felt like at the end of the day - he is much more understanding now and I don't feel as bad about holding him up.)


Active Member
Once a week my hubby and my brother in law head out on the bikes and a couple of weeks ago I went too. I kept getting left behind and they had to keep stopping for me. I knew this would happen as they have been cycling for longer than me. But I felt increasingly like I was ruining their ride and that coupled with my technicolour temper and tendancy to be far too hard on myself resulted in an entertaining meltdown that consisted of a multitude of swear words!! I did take it out on some hills which became quite productive lol. The thing is...the guys still want me to come....not sure if it's for entertainment value or what lol. They say they don't mind waiting for me and last week I didn't go and when hubby came back they had been further and faster which only affirmed to me that they will have better rides without me tagging on holding them back. But they're still saying they want me to come and I want to but get frustrated that at the moment I can't hold my own with them. So what would others do? Would you not go until you have the miles up a bit or would you go and use it as a reason to drive you on? I am torn between which to do. I have a shocking temper when it goes and don't want to ruin their ride. All constructive comments and pi$$ taking welcome!!!

This applies to any hobby or past time: doing something with people who are better than you at it, will help you to improve significantly faster than you otherwise would.
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