What kind of bike is it?
What kind of hub is it?
How many miles do you do?
What's your maintenance schedule?
*All* bearings have seals of one kind or another. Their effectiveness depends on their quality versus what they're subjected to. Unless you're refering to cartridge bearings, which also have seals, and which tend to apear at the higher quality end of the market. So either you've got 'cup & cone' bearings or cartridge. Either of which, if they failed in the first 2500 miles of life should be taken back to the retailer under warranty.
The cost didn't 'escalate' BTW it just added up. Shops which charge unreasonable prices for goods and services don't survive. I suspect that it's not their prices that are too high - but that your expectations are.
As someone who works in cycle retail I meet people all the time who are shocked by the labour prices we charge, which is not because we're expensive, far from it, we have the lowest labour rates in town. The people who complain the most are always those with the shittest bikes. These are the people who buy the very cheapest bike they can find, ride it til it dies and then they're surprised that it costs actual money to repair. Cycling isn't, as some people seem to imagine; 'free'. It costs money to keep a bike rolling. The classic is when they say: 'But I only use it for riding to work', unaware that commuting is precisely the kind of high mileage, day-in-day-out use which will eventually destroy any bike, but is particularly hard on cheap/shoot/old/poorly maintained ones.