Am I a grumpy old fart?

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Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
I've already stuck a sign to my fence post that says "Do Not Block Entrance". I've posted a note to her politely asking her not to park like this.
I'm getting really pissed off with her now as this keeps happening.
If it's just me coming or going it's not such an issue, but when I'm lugging my heavy as a small building bike up and down those bloody steps, her car parked like that causes some sucking in of my tummy to get me and the bike past.
Am I being unreasonable in my request or is this something you would report? Something I'm now considering.



Itching to get back on my bike's
Not worth reporting imho
Try talking to her and showing her why and see if that makes any difference if not then just keep trying

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
What is it with people? Inconsiderate. But in answer to your question: Yes you are a grumpy old fart. HTH:okay:

I was thinking I’m getting grumpy in my old age. I was mildly offended yesterday when a young lady working in Lidl kept referring to me as ‘bud’. Maybe I’m just youthful enough to get down with the youngsters and they treat me as part of their tribe.

Deleted member 26715

Is there any reason why she can't pull 1 yard forward, yes a yard not a new fangled metre, I am old & grumpy as well


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
Is there any reason why she can't pull 1 yard forward, yes a yard not a new fangled metre, I am old & grumpy as well

I struggle with that one. Other than that she'd have to walk a whole extra yard to reach her front door, there's no reason to park park like that. She has no visible disabilities that I can see either.
It's just plain old fashioned laziness and inconsideration.

Deleted member 26715

What I meant was is there a gateway/drive which she would also block if she went forward, are these your steps only or public?


Legendary Member
A less gentlemanly soul than you might accidentally drop their most worthless bicycle from the top of those steps.

There'll be a ban on residential on street parking when I'm PM. Alas, that isn't ever likely to happen, although probably still more likely than Corbyn :laugh:

Deleted member 26715

Only thing then is either talk to her, try to get a 3rd party to mediate or report her to the council for parking on the pavement & blocking the entrance, only issue with that is she definitely know who reported her

How about using the risk of scratching her car as your main concern not as a threat


Legendary Member
Indeed Mr P. Why people thing it's either necessary or acceptable to park kn the footway is beyond me. Why the government don't simply ban it is also beyond me.
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