A lot of talk about a frame looked after should last years...i'm not so sure.
Now you (or i anyway) realise the variables that affect a frame...not least the probable fact that a weld may or may not be 100% during manufacture.
My Via Nirone is circa 4 years old, done around 4000 miles. I am relatively light at 10.5 stone, dont race and dont abuse my bike. I dont wrap it in cotton wool either.
I do like to get out of the seat and honk up hills...this no doubt subjects the frame to a lot of stress...probably the highest stress its likely to see.
Mines failed quite spectactularly considering i consider

i dont abuse my bike.
Therefore....looking after a frame is a bit like having a Ferrari...and driving it at 30 mph.
I suspect the weld on mine was never 100%. If i've abused my bike, 1/2 the frames ever made would have failed as well.
I consider it a one off failure. It wont stop me having another Bianchi. I love it.