Ouyay ancay aketay ackslangbay ustjay oneway agestay urtherfayRhythm Thief said:The other slang Londoners used to use in days of yore was backslang. This involved simply spelling the words backwards. So beer was "reeb" and a boy was a "yob". Which is where we get the word from, of course.
Rhythm Thief said:Glad you PM'd me with the explanation of all that Mr Hippo. Isn't that a slightly different thing? I can't remember what it's called, but if it's what I'm thinking of it's a coded language used by gay men in the days before it was generally acceptable to be gay. Or maybe not, perhaps I'm wrong (about the language, that is, not the acceptability of being gay).
Disgruntled Goat said:A particularly prominant lady's pubenda.
Fnaar said:
Melvil said:Not sure if this is an urban myth or not but apparently this is the longest multiply rhyming derivation of cockney slang:
Phrase: 'I've fallen on me 'arris'
Arris = Aristotle
Aristotle = Bottle
Bottle + Glass = Arse