Kevin Alexander
Guava (juice I presume?) is simply a concentrated form of sugar (mainly fructose) which your body will metabolise just like any other type of sugar. Given you are not eating the whole fruit it will spike your blood sugar level just the same as a maltodextrin supplement for example given it has lost most of its bulk and fibre which will slow down rates of digestion. Probably not a good fit for you if you are diabetic really other than in small quantities. Personally, I think fruit squash mixed with water, a little sugar and some salt will be more beneficial.
I have heard and read that as well, I have to watch the sugar/glucose content as my adrenaline tends to push my sugar level up
As for a vegan diet - it is probably going to be healthier than your average person's diet which is high in calories and low in other nutrients, particularly protein.
Is it healthier or better than a well balanced omnivorous diet including reasonable amount of dietary fat? Not likely in my view no matter what the China Study may allude to...
Agreed - Couldnt do a complete vegan diet, I like Fish far too much and other foods taken from animals.