Alternative Juice

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Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander

Guava (juice I presume?) is simply a concentrated form of sugar (mainly fructose) which your body will metabolise just like any other type of sugar. Given you are not eating the whole fruit it will spike your blood sugar level just the same as a maltodextrin supplement for example given it has lost most of its bulk and fibre which will slow down rates of digestion. Probably not a good fit for you if you are diabetic really other than in small quantities. Personally, I think fruit squash mixed with water, a little sugar and some salt will be more beneficial.

I have heard and read that as well, I have to watch the sugar/glucose content as my adrenaline tends to push my sugar level up

As for a vegan diet - it is probably going to be healthier than your average person's diet which is high in calories and low in other nutrients, particularly protein.

Is it healthier or better than a well balanced omnivorous diet including reasonable amount of dietary fat? Not likely in my view no matter what the China Study may allude to...

Agreed - Couldnt do a complete vegan diet, I like Fish far too much and other foods taken from animals.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Just buy a juicer, throw what you like in the top, press the button, and vola, you have a drink !:whistle:
Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander

Just buy a juicer, throw what you like in the top, press the button, and vola, you have a drink !:whistle:

Got the smoothie machine out.

It was more of an alternative that I could buy whilst I was out and maybe needing a wee sugar bump, but as said fruit juice should do the trick,


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
PS Kevin, you by now have guessed that people on here (including me) think this 'durian rider' is a nut case. We even had a chap come on the forum blatently going on about the banana diet, and wouldn't listed to the facts that a balanced diet is best.

Our advice is to ignore any silly fad diets, eat properly, and ride your bike ! Simple
Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander

PS Kevin, you by now have guessed that people on here (including me) think this 'durian rider' is a nut case. We even had a chap come on the forum blatently going on about the banana diet, and wouldn't listed to the facts that a balanced diet is best.

Our advice is to ignore any silly fad diets, eat properly, and ride your bike ! Simple

To an extend I agree, a lot of what he says I dont believe or dont understand but I think his message of eating right is correct. I could never eat 30 bananas a day and god knows how he affords it but the idea of having a smoothie as meal is something that I would benefit from as I rarely eat breakfast and sometimes dont eat lunch and just snack which isnt good.

Personally I will try and eat more fruit and veg, fish, less cakes and chocolate and have a smoothie for breakfast.

No point in cycling and eating rubbish and wondering why I have a little belly haha

Like his videos though.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
A home made smoothie is a good idea if you are not eating breakfast. I generally take fruit to woek and eat it there. Usually tea and toast to start at home, then the fruit once in the office.
Hi Guys
Also any advice on the high carb, low fat diet for a diabetic?

Avoid carbs - as generally that means sugar! There is some evidence that a low carb diet can help diabetics - here's one study, but it may be easier just to avoid pigging out on junk food and eating sensible portions.
Hi Kevin, I like durianrider in that he adds to the whole food debate. Not sure about some of his coments (steroids are rife in cross fit?) And some of his anecdotal claims take away from the whole food message. Whole fresh food is the way forward. I also enjoy bananas and dates as post training food but not in the quantities durianrider does as well as dried fruit instead of/as well as energy dring when out riding. A variety of salad veg is king with a bit of olive oil or high quality egg away from training. A lot of the micronutrients in veg are fat soluable although you don't need a lot of fat for the benefits.

Diabetes is an interesting subject with a lot of conflicting information regarding fat, sugar etc which is a bit specialist for me. Whole food is key in general. Dr Richard Bernstein is a good read as a type1 diabetes suffering doctor. The food pyramid is a bad read. My mum is T2 (obese and > 50% body fat) and went to the gym eating biscuits during her very light workout as a misinterpretation of the advice from her diabetes nurse to stop her going hypo. I convinced her switch to small portions of fruit and mainly water. She still prefers the sofa, tv and junk food whoch is how she got that way in the first place. My dad, myself and my siblings are all lean and sporty but she doesn't listen to us on the benefits of healthy eating and exercise!

There are high carb, low fat and low carb offerings for diabetics to further confuse things. For my ten pence worth (and I'd be ripping you off) eat fresh food, mainly vegetables with fruit and starch around exercise, particluarly after. Vegans do well, animal eaters also do well when cutting out the crap.

Diabetes info is a minefiled at best! I'll fully admit knowing naff all factually. For a cyclist look up what team type 1 pro cycling team did for their training and racing. I expect their collective knowledge outweighs most people's understanding of sport and diabetes.
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Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander

Avoid carbs - as generally that means sugar! There is some evidence that a low carb diet can help diabetics - here's one study, but it may be easier just to avoid pigging out on junk food and eating sensible portions.

Thanks, will check out the study. I think for me personally it all about a balanced intake and to cut back on the junk (Stupid time for this as its xmas just round the corner)
Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander

Hi Kevin, I like durianrider in that he adds to the whole food debate. Not sure about some of his coments (steroids are rife in cross fit?) And some of his anecdotal claims take away from the whole food message. Whole fresh food is the way forward. I also enjoy bananas and dates as post training food but not in the quantities durianrider does as well as dried fruit instead of/as well as energy dring when out riding. A variety of salad veg is king with a bit of olive oil or high quality egg away from training. A lot of the micronutrients in veg are fat soluable although you don't need a lot of fat for the benefits.

Diabetes is an interesting subject with a lot of conflicting information regarding fat, sugar etc which is a bit specialist for me. Whole food is key in general. Dr Richard Bernstein is a good read as a type1 diabetes suffering doctor. The food pyramid is a bad read. My mum is T2 (obese and > 50% body fat) and went to the gym eating biscuits during her very light workout as a misinterpretation of the advice from her diabetes nurse to stop her going hypo. I convinced her switch to small portions of fruit and mainly water. She still prefers the sofa, tv and junk food whoch is how she got that way in the first place. My dad, myself and my siblings are all lean and sporty but she doesn't listen to us on the benefits of healthy eating and exercise!

There are high carb, low fat and low carb offerings for diabetics to further confuse things. For my ten pence worth (and I'd be ripping you off) eat fresh food, mainly vegetables with fruit and starch around exercise, particluarly after. Vegans do well, animal eaters also do well when cutting out the crap.

Diabetes info is a minefiled at best! I'll fully admit knowing naff all factually. For a cyclist look up what team type 1 pro cycling team did for their training and racing. I expect their collective knowledge outweighs most people's understanding of sport and diabetes.

Thanks very much. I am aiming to start a "diet" if you can call it that of 2 smoothies a day, soup, veg, pasta, oily fish, beans and rice. Obviously I am not that strict that I wont go near meat or dairy but I think that cutting down will help the overall goal.

Dont agree with a lot of what DR says but I think what he is aiming to get across is a healthy lifestyle (which in my opinion can include dairy products and meat)
+1 to what Flying Dodo said re carbs. Smoothies are better than fruit juice as they contain the fibre of the fruit which slows digestion but if you're going to bang a load of fruit into one in one go it'll hit your blood sugar levels. I love fruit but if I have for lunch and haven't just exercise I have a bit of fruit and some nuts and seeds to balance it all out. I eat fruit for breakfast when I cycle to work some days and also after training

The thing with internet recommendations is that diabetes is a very individual condition. No two T1 or T2 people the same. If you're T2 are you just very insulin resistant of are the beta cells in your pancreas depleted and by how much? When I hear durianrider say that meat spikes insulin levels in blood I would be very wary of taking his blanket advice relating to such an individual condition. I'd obviously be wary of my advice as well. I've read a lot about the condition and have read a lot of books and articles on health, nutrition, human biology etc but in reality I actually know naff all.

Durianrider mentions a book several times written by doctor who apparently has treated diabetes patients with a high carb whole food vegan diet. That book would certainly be worth a read if you can get it. I'd definitely read Dr Bernstein's book as well. The devil is always in the detail with these things. He has lectures the internet which are free on sites such as youtube, vimeo etc. A doctor or specialist who can treat you as an individual patient is the only sort of person you should be taking direct advice from based on your individual health.
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
[QUOTE 2791018, member: 259"]You can get guava juice fairly reasonably from Chinese and Thai supermarkets. It's nice with vodka.:cheers:[/quote]
Not many of them here.
Go to Asian grocery shops @Kevin Alexander should find guava juice there.
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