Altercation with a driver

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You did nothing wrong Janey.

Sadly, some people get far too wound up these days and vent in the wrong direction. It's a real shame when it ruins someone else's day. Please don't let this driver's problems get you down.


Active Member
+1 with Yello
You were being sensible,I try to ride the same lanes as you precisely because of lack of traffic. Sometimes I freewheel if I think the lane is wide enough if not do what you did. Had most trouble lately with drivers coming towards me in people carriers. Don't let them put you off. I didn't ride for about six months a couple of years back ( had only been riding about 6-9 months ). Nasty little fella in West Runton chased me, he was driving a big black 4x4. When he confronted me I was taller which is rare and he only spoke in words of 4 letters took me a while to get over it. But I did and I find most drivers are ok.
I agree. You did nothing wrong. If I have someone come up behind me on a lane I will try and acknowledge them. But there is no way that I will give them room to try and squeeze by, but I will pull in as soon as it is safe for me.

I have tended to have worse moments with cars coming towards me down single lanes. After a couple of times of people trying to squeeze past at speed, I will now drift into the centre of the road to force them to slow down, so we can pass each other slowly and safely.


sod em,

you're under no obligation to pull over at all to let anyone past.

If there isn't room to safely overtake then they have to wait until there is.

You pulling over to let people past is a nice gesture on your part, but not something you have to do.


Active Member
Having been a bus driver I know full well that a lot of drivers out there are a bit special. Heard a horn behind me today from a guy in a blue Corsa who, for reasons best known to himself, decided to start to overtake me with a bollard in the centre of the road. I'd been holding wide of the kerb for for a good 50 yards on the run-up and had 3 cars safely pass before the bollard. I'm guessing said <insert 4-letter word of choice> followed the other 3 and got confronted with the bollard as his view of the road ahead improved.

There's always the moment where you think you've done enough to stop people thinking about gaps they can get through, when some overgrown boy scout decides to go for his Prat Badge.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Sounds like you rode very well to me, Janey, and did nothing wrong. Just a bad and impatient driver is all. Oh, and I would ignore that comment by seadragonpisces, it seems to have no relevance to the situation you described at all.
I ride a narrow country lane as part of my commute. I'm going uphill so pull over to the left so that drivers can pass - except on one bit where there's a blind bend. At that point I pull into the middle of the road to stop people overtaking. I consider it self preservation as it would only be a matter of time before someone overtook there - to find something coming in the other direction. Instinct and a swerve left would kick in and I'd end up in a field/ditch! My way everyone gets there in one piece - and the driver is inconvenienced by a few seconds. If they're to impatient to wait or don't realise what I'm doing then they shouldn't be on the road!

That's the way I read your situation - you were totally in the right!!

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Yes the car is probably an inconvenience and I am sure the driver feels the same. When I hear a car coming I move as far to the left as I can, rather than irritate some driver who might run me off the road if I annoy them too much. No harm in pulling as soon as you can, then everyone is happy and no-one is annoyed, simples !!!

I too think it perfectly natural that a driver who has to wait more than a second to pass safely will be angered to the point of homicidal rage, entirely justifying them bulldozing anything ahead of them.

This is why, when finding a motor vehicle behind me, I always dismount my bicycle, and stand by the side of the road with my cap in hand, to salute my betters.
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