All calories are not created equal

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Rural Quebec
We have all heard about the research that connects sugar with type2 diabetes (doh!) but if not an American style diet (red meat. coke and sweet junk) what do we eat. Calories have often been discussed on CC in the 'exercise more/consume less calories' debate the attached article (short and easy to understand) explains that not all calories are the same which I hope will be helpful


Squat Member
A thousand calories consisting solely of junk food should not be healthier for you than fruit, veg natural unprocessed food sources for example.


Legendary Member
There is no
We have all heard about the research that connects sugar with type2 diabetes (doh!) but if not an American style diet (red meat. coke and sweet junk) what do we eat. Calories have often been discussed on CC in the 'exercise more/consume less calories' debate the attached article (short and easy to understand) explains that not all calories are the same which I hope will be helpful

There is nothing new in there:
Sugar = insulin spike = messes with metabolism
Olive oil & nuts = slow release = no insulin spike = better for you.


Rural Quebec
I was looking forward to an adult discussion and wanted to open it up since a specific term that not everyone may understand came up. I thought these ideas would help us understand a complicated issue better than a google search might. What I do now understand is what "inflicting" a post means.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I was looking forward to an adult discussion and wanted to open it up since a specific term that not everyone may understand came up. I thought these ideas would help us understand a complicated issue better than a google search might. What I do now understand is what "inflicting" a post means.
I obviously offended you, and for that I apologise. The smiley was intended to show that I was not having a serious go at you. You, however, have chosen to be deliberately rude to me. :thumbsdown:

The first thing I do before answering a direct question like that is to take the question as it stands and paste it into Google. If the search results quickly answer the question then there isn't really much point in asking it - anybody who wants to know the answer can easily find it.

If the search results don't give a clear explanation but I know the answer to the question, then I will spend time answering it.

If the answer isn't easy to find and I'm interested in the subject, then I will spend 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours, whatever, searching for the answer and will spend whatever time it takes to explain it in the thread.

There are threads on CycleChat that I have spent 5, 10, 15+ hours working on. This is rapidly becoming one of them ...

If you already knew the answer, then you could have written "For those of you who don't know, an insulin spike is ..."

If you didn't already know the answer, then you could have written "I didn't know what an insulin spike is so I looked it up on Google. I have discovered that an insulin spike is ..."

'What do you mean by "insulin spike"?' gets someone else to do the work for you, which is what I object to.

Anyway, that's me done with this thread.


Rural Quebec
Oh to live in that world where all insults are negated by a smiley:angry:
Not my world...


Active Member
Cleator, Cumbria


Watched the above and thought it very informative. The sugar industry is making a fortune from the misery of ordinary people, who are not solely to blame for why they are what they are.

Fat however, never did have anyone to fight its corner. Remove the fat, food tastes like cardboard, add sugar, it tastes great again........even dog shoot would taste good with enough sugar!

Unfettered capitalism my friends.


Active Member
Cleator, Cumbria
We try to, wherever possible, avoid processed foods. As a result our diet probably has more fat than most these days.

Our family is a normal weight, I am slap bang in the middle of the BMI normal range, but, often called skinny!

What did our parents and grandparents eat before all this maketing crap? Not much sugar, but a lot more fat than todays diet!

Rant over. Lol


I watched a YouTube video where this guy had access to a calorimeter machine, and could accurately measure how many calories were in a number of different foods. 90% of the food he tested had more calories than claimed, including one vegan sandwich that had double the calories claimed. They also talked about calories in all foods being incorrect because calories from fibre were underestimated by 50%.
Will link it when I get a chance.
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