Aldi rear camera

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Thanks - but the knee's not the problem: I've got a great big hole in my right hip sewn up whilst the tissue tries to be stuck down.

It's 6 weeks off the bike and then back on ... slowly ... from the 5th of November.
Ouch... hope you are making a good recovery !

Dan B

Disengaged member
I'm contemplating getting one so that when moped riders drive through bike-and-walking-only alleys and cut-throughs behind me and then overtake, I have video of the actual offence as well as of the rear numberplate.

On the other hand, it's another thing to remember to charge, so I dunno


Velo, boulot, dodo
On the other hand, it's another thing to remember to charge, so I dunno

It is a downside. Even though I run a dynamo system I only have that on one bike. If I want to use another bike I've got two USB rear lights that need juice and then there's the front light. The Fly6 needs a regular top-up but it will go a few days though.

Also I bought one after being hit from behind once in over 30 years of commuting. 15 years of that left at most, probably less. Almost certainly wasted my money (and if I haven't I'm hardly going to be happy about it). The upside is I get to post an occasional boring video in commuting.


Über Member
Seems to have fairly similar spec to the Fly6 I think? Runs at 25fps instead of the Fly6's 30fps.

Interestingly, notice a few comments on the Cycliq website saying that even with the Fly6, it was difficult to read number plates (though there are some factors that could affect this too).


Velo, boulot, dodo
Interestingly, notice a few comments on the Cycliq website saying that even with the Fly6, it was difficult to read number plates (though there are some factors that could affect this too).

It's generally OK, even in darkness it can be done.

If the vehicle is approaching at high speed it can be tricky, if the road surface is poor it can affect readability too.


London, UK
I picked up one of these Aldi ones this morning... Cant say that im too impressed.

The unit itself is rather big n' bulky and despite being able to record at 1080p the image is still quite grainy.

The light also emits a LOUD beeping noise when you turn it on or off. almost to the point where it can double up as a rape alarm. Im hanging onto it for now but I'll probably end up returning it.

Lighting wise its not super bright but it will get you noticed. There are 3 flashing modes which are good enough to get you noticed

Take my opinion with a grain of salt but i would probably go for a See.sence icon


I picked up one of these Aldi ones this morning... Cant say that im too impressed.

The unit itself is rather big n' bulky and despite being able to record at 1080p the image is still quite grainy.

The light also emits a LOUD beeping noise when you turn it on or off. almost to the point where it can double up as a rape alarm. Im hanging onto it for now but I'll probably end up returning it.

Lighting wise its not super bright but it will get you noticed. There are 3 flashing modes which are good enough to get you noticed

Take my opinion with a grain of salt but i would probably go for a See.sence icon
I was a bit concerned about the quality of the camera, which is why I didn't get one this morning when I popped in on the way to work. If the quality of the camera is a little poor they may well have quite a few returns, in which case I may pick one up if the price drops to under £20.
I picked up one of these Aldi ones this morning... Cant say that im too impressed.

The unit itself is rather big n' bulky and despite being able to record at 1080p the image is still quite grainy.

The light also emits a LOUD beeping noise when you turn it on or off. almost to the point where it can double up as a rape alarm. Im hanging onto it for now but I'll probably end up returning it.

Lighting wise its not super bright but it will get you noticed. There are 3 flashing modes which are good enough to get you noticed

Take my opinion with a grain of salt but i would probably go for a See.sence icon
I think the size and battery level beeps are probably consistent with the fly6 original...
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