To the op, yes it does get easier. This is my third christmas since I went tee total. The first one I had my arm twisted into sharing a bottle of wine, but that was the last time. It is ironically an easier path for me to travel to be tee total than to try to keep it to a sensible amount, because of the inevitable arm twisting from friends and family. That's mainly my weakness, but it's also easier to just say no and mean no.
The other thing that gets easier is missing the booze. In my case, I found that all I was really missing was the taste of the first sip, be it wine, beer or whiskey. After that first sip, the taste can never for me be recaptured, probably because of taste and smell receptors being saturated or something. I can live without that first sip taste.
I have mixed feelings about whether I miss the feeling of actually being intoxicated. On balance, there have been more occasions in my life where being intoxicated has caused me problems, I think, than merited by the dubious enjoyment of it.
Going back to the taste, it is true that there are few interesting beverages with the same level of tastebud interest. Alcohol free beers are actually ok, and this Christmas I have found that dealcoholised wine, available from Sainsbury's, makes decent mulled wine, and is fairly interesting as a drink in its own right. It's quite an unusual and refreshing feeling, having had a glass, to be completely neutral about having another,