Adults reading Harry Potter

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New Member
Greedo said:
in my opinion is wrong, wrong, wrong. It's a childrens book!

Why shouldn't an adult read a children's book?


Maz said:
I'm not even remotely interested in Harry Potter. Neither are my kids. High School Musical, on the other hand...

It's for girlies ffs. :biggrin:

[Pervy mode] Mind you I quite like Vanessa Hudgens [Pervy Mode]


That is a truly great book and probably the reason I started reading as my primary school teacher read it for 20mins at the end of every day when I was about 8 or 9. Loved it. However if I was on a plane, bus, train, in a coffee shop, pub, cafe etc....sitting reading it then that would be wrong in so many ways IMO

I'd happily read Danny Champion of the World.


New Member
Not read any of the books, but seen all the films so far. The kids have grown up with them.


The books are escapism, and any number of writers (inc Salman Rushdie) would give their right nut to have even a fraction of the success JK Rowling has achieved.

TBH, I struggle to understand the aloof attitude Greedo demonstrates :biggrin:


Resting in suspended Animation
Read all the books and HDM. I'd certainly read them as an adult if they all came out tomorrow. Seems all good fun.


Senior Member
They are very popular but are a bit like the Ford Escort of literature. Loads of people have them and use them but they aren't top of the line stuff.
Still, if they get kids reading.


Escapist literature, for my mind, follows the rise of escapist drug and alcohol use and the rise of escapist 'fantasy' films in recent times.

That's because the modern world has in many ways become a dreary and upsetting kind of place and all adults, I think, desire to forget about it, if even for an hour or so.


Resting in suspended Animation
Melvil said:
Escapist literature, for my mind, follows the rise of escapist drug and alcohol use and the rise of escapist 'fantasy' films in recent times.

That's because the modern world has in many ways become a dreary and upsetting kind of place and all adults, I think, desire to forget about it, if even for an hour or so.

Harry Potter is great!!! I resisted for ages, not wanting to get pulled into the HP hype, but once I started the first one I was hooked.

As for kids books, the Philip Pullman ones are supposed to be for kids, and they are fantastic.

Also just got "The Spook's Apprentice" out of the library (part 1 of the Wardstone Chronicles) - it was on a special display in the "local reads" section, really enjoyed it and then realised that was a kiddie book as well...


Home Counties
I don't think that fiction should be differentiated between child and adult. There's some really good children's fiction - Ursula LeGuin's Wizard of Earthsea or Gillian Philip's Bad Faith as examples - which can be enjoyed by adults too. My problem with the Potter books is that they're just so badly written, derivative tripe. Fine for younger kids, but I'd hope that adults and older children could aspire to something better in their reading material.


back and brave
derall said:
I don't think that fiction should be differentiated between child and adult.

My problem with the Potter books is that they're just so badly written, derivative tripe. Fine for younger kids, but I'd hope that adults and older children could aspire to something better in their reading material.

but but but... you've just differentiated! I'd prefer children didn't read badly written, derivative trip either! :evil:
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