I've had Gastritis, it's thoroughly unpleasant but completely curable. Not all the PPI's work for everyone. One of them made me feel quite dizzy and tired, might have been Lansoprazole. Once I swopped to another I was fine. I also simplified my diet and ate less. It took a few months and it came back once but the PPI's eventually did the trick. I found the camera down my throat to be the worst part of the whole thing.
Similarly I suspect, it was anti-inflammotories which did for me. I now can't take them or won't risk them. It meant having to find an actual way of curing my back pain which was proactive. It also meant I had to experiment with my diet to cut out the gout attacks I was getting, for which I was taking the most powerful anti-inflammatories. Again, being proactive about this was the best thing to do. I now don't eat Salmon or other shellfish and avoid soy in all it's forms, which unfortunately means no Chinese stir fry's and since doing that, not a single attack. Sometimes these things can be a bit of a wake up call to sort stuff out you've been ignoring.