Accy junior pick pocketed,losing new 800 quid phone

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
We bought a house a couple of years ago. We were shown round by a nice, if slightly disinterested young lad in a badly fitting suit. I have absolutely no idea what car he drove or what type of phone he had. The rest of the deal was conducted with an agent via phone and email, I only met her when I went to pick up the keys. Again I have absolutely no idea what type of phone she had.

If my estate agent appeared too rich I think I'd question the amount of commission I was being charged. Does a fancy phone really sell a house? We were just buying a fairly ordinary 3 bed semi in suburbia, maybe it's different elsewhere...

Edit: Just realised I may be looking at this the wrong way. But when we bought our house we also sold one and I have no recollection whatsoever of the agent we used.
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Nothing to do with the op but seeing as the thread has drifted this way...I am more impressed by what people do and not impressed at all by what they have or wear.

accy, if you feel you must , then offer a contribution towards new phone , you paying it all will teach her nothing, imho


Legendary Member
Presumably she’s followed all the steps to ensure that the thieves cannot use it! Here the advice from Apple

I needed a new phone, I wanted a new iPhone which happened to cost around £700, I can afford it Without any subsequent financial hardship, my choice to get that is also insured however ;)

Deleted member 26715

Presumably she traced her steps backwards via all the shops she went in to find out if she had inadvertently left it on the counter & had not been pickpocketed in the first place.


Senior Member
Probably an Apple iPhone I guess? if for example here employer's system is using Apple OS then she will have to have the same OS, regardless of that she will likely need a powerful phone for her work & with that comes the price.
I'd go half's if it was one of my kids no problem.


Legendary Member
Maybe loan her the money for a new one Accy, but make sure she pays you back.

No one needs an 800 sheets phone. 15 quid a month would get you a perfectly useable and recent android smartphone with a big bagful of gigs and minutes to go with it. There's a life lesson to be learned here about what is really nevessary, particularly if you are living of the limited means of an estste agents income, and then taking good care of items once she has made the decision to be frivolous.

I do feel for her, no one deserves to be the victim of crime. Nevertheless, almost exactly half of all acquisitive crime is opportunistic, so if people simply took more care of their property the acquisitive crime rate would halve overnight. A 50% drop simply by people doing what they should be doing anyway.

If she reports it to the network they can blacklist the IMEI and it then won't work on any GSM network in the world. No need to jumo through hoops, just make the call to customer services.


Maybe loan her the money for a new one Accy, but make sure she pays you back.

This and encourage her to start building up some savings when she has paid you back. And remind her that if she was pickpocketed then she wasn't being sufficiently aware of Covid.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Music Magpie for last year's £800 phone for about half price or less. Ones we've had have been excellent condition - never paid more than £200.

Never ever leave a phone in her back pocket - many 'ladies' seem to do this.

Deleted member 26715

Probably an Apple iPhone I guess?
Haven't Samsung & even Huawei now jumped on the human gullibility wagon of producing expensive phones, when a £100 will do exactly the same?

Never ever leave a phone in her back pocket - many 'ladies' seem to do this.
Or conveniently poking out of the top of the open handbag, "look at me I have an expensive phone" type of way.
Off on a bit of a tangent, but how do thieves get them unlocked? I thought they were really difficult now with either fingerprint or facial recognition. Even Apple refuse to unlock them for the police don't they?
The locking is usually to protect the data on the phone. There are still ways to reset phones, you just lose all the data.
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