Abuse from a Driving instructor...I'm Stunned

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Active Member
Today after finishing work at lunch time I decided to take a break from running and go for 25mile training ride. So with a beautiful afternoon at my disposal I set off.

After about 15 miles into my ride (regular training route) I pass through road works with cones etc so narrow lanes for around 60mtrs, there is a shared Cycle/Ped path alongside but is full of workman and equipment plus due to my speed being over 12mph and nearer 25mph I choose not to use said cycle path. So as I progress through the narrow lane dominating the road to deter a dangerous over take. So along came learner driver who drew up alongside forcing me over and making me slow down Driving instructor shouts out of open passenger window get out of the fookin way, you should be on the fookin cycle path. This made me lose the plot So I shouted perhaps he should check the highway code along with a few other choice words (no swearing mind).

I would assume that a driving instructor should have a 100% understanding of all traffic and cycling regulations both from the highway code and government guidelines. I was absolutely livid so I chased him as I really wanted to get my point across. So I got unto 30mph but he scooted across the roundabout and sped away.

He has a Nissan Micra and It's a private company I failed to get the full details and reg, however I will see him again and I will be having a word.

I'm not against cars as I drive as well as cycle. But I get miffed when i come across this kind of attitude.

OK rant over, anyone had any similar issues??


New Member
I quit learning to drive because my instructor used to bad mouth cyclists (inside the car, not to their face). He didn't know I cycled and it used to make me angry but I didn't say anything (too shy at the time). It wasn't even at RLJers or anything, just anyone cycling along!

I soon gave up - didn't want to send anymore money his way!!


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
if you got the name of the driving school, complain to the driving standards association and any bodies such as the motor schools association that they claim to be members of.

+1 There really is no hope of common sense ever reaching our roads with idiots like that instructing.


Just about surviving
My driving instructor really disliked women drivers. And if anyone ahead of us did anything stupid would remark "Must be a woman driver".

She had a real downer on them
One of my most devious, underhand and enjoyable feats of skullduggery.

A similar situation with the numpty trying to explain that I should be on a cycle path and a quiet evening.

I googled local driving schools and emailed all of them - described the incident and vehicle in the email and apologised if it was not the right driving school.Then stated that I was so concerned about the poor knowledge of the Highway Code and cycle paths combined with the standard of teaching that I had to attempt to identify the offender.

I got several helpful replies and three pinpointed a particular driving school and had forwarded the email to them.

Then got a curt and short reply from the school apologising for the incident and that the instructor had been reminded of the rules concerning cyclists.

I didn't even have to use the video!

]View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkpvOuVvJZY[/media]


Active Member
I would assume that a driving instructor should have a 100% understanding of all traffic and cycling regulations both from the highway code and government guidelines.

Giggle. Many know what they need to know, no more, and that relates to cars. Yes, I've had a driving instructor try and tell me the rules of the road for a bike, pointing to his car to point out that he was the instructor and therefore knew more than me. (this one was speed limits)

ISTR some comment about them being over-represented in the BNP membership.

(Boringly I think the mix of eejits to sane people is much the same as for everybody else, it's just we notice more when they're in a profession such as theirs)


Active Member
I have to agree with everything written here about Driving Instructors not knowing their subject well enough...

A week or 2 ago I was approaching some traffic lights which were showing red. There was an instructor's car at the lights, pulled over to the left so far that it was covering the cycle lane feeding to the cyclist stop line. I made the decision (rightly or wrongly) to pull onto the pavement to go around the car, then back onto the road to take my place in the cycle bit at the front.

As soon as the lights changed, I was away. About 30 seconds later , learner and instructor catch up with me, the passenger window is open, the instructor is yelling, telling me I shouldn't be on the pavement etc, . Unfortunatley I didn't have time to explain about his lack of useful instruction about road position to his pupil.

Luckily, I was able to redeem this situation the next time I aw him in the test centre........................I'm a driving instructot too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I suppose the conclusion is, driving instructors are not there to instruct their clients in safe driving. They're there to instruct their clients in how to pass the test. There's the difference. Or am I just an old cynic? Actually, as I recall, my own instructor (40 years ago) was a model driver, retired copper (they often were in those days), really decent and considerate to every road user in sight, and taught me all the right stuff. Perhaps I owe him. Perhaps things have changed since... :unsure:

Luckily, I was able to redeem this situation the next time I aw him in the test centre........................I'm a driving instructot too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pity you're not a driving examiner. Would soon drive the message home, once you start failing every one of Mr Abusive Instructor's candidates.... :evil:
I would assume that a driving instructor should have a 100% understanding of all traffic and cycling regulations both from the highway code and government guidelines.

In my experience, driving instructors can be awful when it comes to setting a good example. I have seen them drinking beverages whilst driving their marked cars, using phones, etc. Their actual standards of driving can leave much to be desired too: I know one who has been an ADI for years and still cannot stop a car without that annoying lurch that comes from not easing off the brakes at the last second. Not a safety issue I know, but an indication in my book of their general abilities.


Über Member
What qualifications do you need to become a driving instructor! Not any by the attitudes and lack of common sense displayed by some of them.

Both my sons were taught to drive by the same instructor unfortunately, and his attitude was terrible towards cyclists, usually about no road tax.


Night Train

Maker of Things
I did a 'RED' driving instructors course quite a few years ago, or at least I started one.

During the session on observations we all went through the observations required for the road and when asked if there were any questions I raised the issue of two further observations that I make as a matter of course when driving as I had found them useful.

First, if I pass a minor road to the left I check my nearside mirror to make sure nothing appeared in my nearside blind spot from the minor road. I learnt this on my HGV course and have found it useful.

Second, before tuning left after waiting at traffic lights I will do a left shoulder check before moving off in case there is a cyclist in my nearside blind spot. Again I learnt this on my HGV course, though not left shoulder but full scan of the nearside mirrors.

The tutor, ex traffic police he claimed, told me my first example was uneccessary and once my eyeline had passed the mid point of the minor road it was no longer my responsibility if someone pulled out of it.

He then totally dismissed my second example as a bloody dangerous thing to do in a car and any cyclist stupid enough to come up the left side only had themselves to blame if I hit them. He then told the rest of the class that in that situation they must never do a left shoulder check under any circumstances, as the mirror should be sufficient, and in doing so they would be a danger to other road users. Their correct course of action was to check the mirror and then move off to execute the left turn!

We had a stand up argument in the class about the rights and wrongs of running over cyclist regardless of their road position and I gave up on the course as a dead loss.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
In my experience, driving instructors can be awful when it comes to setting a good example. I have seen them drinking beverages whilst driving their marked cars.....

I came a bit late to driving, aged 33, I think. I took five lessons with a small local driving school. The instructor just shouted in my ear all the time and made me nervous, so I went elsewhere.

Turning up for my first lesson with the new school, the instructor asked if I minded if he smoked in the car. "No probs".
He then rolled himself a spliff, took a couple of early morning tokes, and asked me to set off down the road. A bit of languid driving advice was whispered "Bob Harris-style" in my ear, but otherwise I was left to my own devices, which suited me just fine. The routine was the same for every lesson. I turned up, Mike sparked up his Camberwell Carrot, and off we went. One day, I got a bit nervous after a bit of a close shave, and he passed me his spliff...."relax Martin".. but I didn't take up the offer.

I passed at my first attempt.

The driving school was BSM in central London. Mike did "the needful".


Cycling in the sun
I have a driving instructor who lives on my route to school ... and the bits of her driving I've seen along there wouldn't convince me she knows the highway code.
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