Absolutely wonderful (formerly absolutely useless) housing association

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In the image above tap is underneath. Very easy to re pressureise. My very young son managed to get the pressure way up one day!
My combi is on its last legs, no hot water but we do get heating. Got an electric shower so managing. Pressure keeps dropping so have to top up. If we have boiler on high then pressure goes too high and have to let some out of the radiator. Going to be about £2k to replace.

That sounds like the expansion vessel has gone. When pressure rises the cut out should kick in an depressurise the boiler to stop it blowing up.

Have a look at the green homes grant that is now available to help with improving thermal efficiency and covers up to 2/3 of the cost. It isn’t means tested so is open to all.


Accy, did you read my post? (#32)


You have no pressure. The black pointer is on zero. You need to let more water into the system. You need to look for a water pipe with a little tap on it, and turn the tap to let more water in, until the black pointer is up to where the red pointer is. Without that, you're on a hiding to nothing.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Accy, did you read my post? (#32)

View attachment 573933

You have no pressure. The black pointer is on zero. You need to let more water into the system. You need to look for a water pipe with a little tap on it, and turn the tap to let more water in, until the black pointer is up to where the red pointer is. Without that, you're on a hiding to nothing.
I turned the little red arrow to number 3. It's back on...so far. The water is hot,though the radiators are only hot at the bottom. Though they haven't worked fully for a few weeks.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
It's still working and making that familiar re-igniting sound which it wasn't doing last night. Have i fixed it?🤔


Über Member
I understand your keen to get heat and hot water
In all honestly you should not be taking covers off boilers
You may hurt yourself and do more damage
Maybe if the HA are not responding and you have all that documented
A local heating company could come out and then pay that bill and frd it too HA saying you tried your best contact them ..if they are reputable I'm sure they want to avoid the bad press .....just another option available
My concern now is that this boiler is gonna conk out and the HA,when they eventually get here will say it's my fault and send me a bill for repairs.


Isca Dumnoniorum
The little red arrow on the pressure gauge is just a manual indicator you align with the internal black pressure indicator to mark the setup pressure, it has no effect on the working of the system.
Did you manage to top up the pressure?
If not it sounds like the boiler has cutout via the overheat stat due to air in the system & then reset itself after cooling. Although the gauge shows no pressure there maybe just enough for the boiler to fire. There's probably no (fernox) inhibitor solution in the heating system & air is building up.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I understand your keen to get heat and hot water
In all honestly you should not be taking covers off boilers
You may hurt yourself and do more damage
Maybe if the HA are not responding and you have all that documented
A local heating company could come out and then pay that bill and frd it too HA saying you tried your best contact them ..if they are reputable I'm sure they want to avoid the bad press .....just another option available
I had no other option. I turned the power off at the mains before taking the panel off. Anyway,i can just screw the panel back on. I spent exactly 1 hour last night listening to a recorded message,saying summat like "Sorry for the delay,we'll be with you shortly". For all i know that message could just be there to pacify callers and there isn't anyone at all at the end of the line who'll take your call. This HA are bloody useless! Even their workmen say so. When in a private rent,the workman who the landlord employed had a 24/7 number which he would answer. The HA,supposedly semi local authority run are just interested in getting your rent off you!
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