I've just had a 3 kettles shower. My neighbour who let me use her shower on Monday didn't reply to my text,asking if i could use it again.

Anyway,it wasn't that bad. Put cold water in the bucket first,so the boiling water doesn't melt the plastic,then after adding the 3 kettles (carefully) top up with cold water (well,what else is there

) then pour water from a measuring jug all over yourself,then soap yourself up (all of this is done in the actual shower by the way,not in the kitchen where i boiled the kettles

). When you've soaped up, simply use the jug to pour the hot water over yourself to rinse off. I actually feel a bit cleaner than when using a proper shower as i was able to soap myself up properly,as opposed to the soap washing off as soon as it hits the skin in a normal shower. It reminds me of when me and Mrs Accy got married 30 years ago. The house we bought had a wonky boiler which took ages to warm up water and often conked out,so we had to heat pots and pans on the oven rings to do the same as a 3 kettle shower.