That's the spirit 👍. Okay, now I can see what you want to do.
That Raleigh might be okay but you really need to inspect it before you can say, unless it's got a comprehensive and honest sellers discription

. Looks to be one of the cheaper basic step throughs and might have steel wheel rims and as
@Rusty Nails says they are rubbish especially in the wet (brakes won't work), also might be rather heavy. Those three speed hubs are fine as long as working but if kaput not worth repairing, just replace.
So if you can inspect before buying it's advisable, which is why I say Gumtree would be better.
If it's an older bike say twenty plus years and neglected check the seat post and stem move in the frame, if corroded and stuck in the frame it's junk. And don't buy anything with poor paintwork, it'll be difficult to bring back .