A world without Internet.

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I might cop some flack here but I think its because some parents view the internet as an alternative to actually interacting with and stimulating their child. Why they have that view is not for me to say but as an example at a pub last week there was a table of parents, interacting with each other, talking, joking etc The children however had been dumped on another table, and were all heads down in their phones, no parent child interaction at all.

I mean last week I decided to get my Lego out, first I spent 4 hours sorting all the pieces then another 4 building these magnificent things, all because as a child I was encouraged to play and interact not just sat in front of a screen watching tosh like this:

View: https://youtu.be/hgM1FtHOVfA?feature=shared

PS Bonus Lego pics!



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I could, because I'm a prepper.

How many spare loo rolls, tins of beans and AK47 rifles do you have ?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I remember my sister and brother tutting when our kids got their first Nintendo aged about 10. Roll on 10 years and their kids have had "tablets" since age 2 and these things come out at family meals and get togethers.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I remember my sister and brother tutting when our kids got their first Nintendo aged about 10. Roll on 10 years and their kids have had "tablets" since age 2 and these things come out at family meals and get togethers.

Are youngsters so hooked on it ?
I'm no youngster at 72 and I feel lost when it goes down

Yes they are. It's the constant 24/7 messaging amongst 'friends' or gaming etc, or tic tok etc etc.


Heavy Metal Fan
My son would whinge but he also loves going out and playing football with his mates. He even goes onto the patio and kicks a ball around on his own, so he's not totally lost without his phone or playstation. I'd say as an adult we are just as dependant on things, but we convince ourselves that they are necessities.
Our daughter was without Internet for 24 hours yesterday and her son ( 11 years old ) drove them crazy cos he didn't know what to do with himself which raises the question: "Are youngsters so hooked on it now that their world collapses when the Internet is down?"
We live in a very sad world indeed.

As a father of an 11 year old gamer I can say not always. Right now he's half an hour late from primary school. Not to worry, he'll be in the playing fields up the footpath from here and near the school playing football until someone goes up there to drag him home!

Even when he's on his computer gaming with his phone nearby the core of the experience is social interaction. He's communicating in the modern way in the modern world he lives in. Is posting on here really that much different? Is sitting at home reading a book on something irrelevant to modern life any better?

At least he's talking to real people he knows through his headset. He's cooperating on the game and he's talking about things important to them.

Heck he often remembers homework needs to be done when a friend gets dragged from their computer in their bedrooms to do it!

I really struggle to understand the negativity towards the modern world on threads such as this. Being connected socially is very important and modern tech just allows it to happen in newer and more effective ways.

Imho it's better than my day when leaving school I mostly sat alone in my room isolated on my spectrum playing a game without social interaction.

Incidentally where am I now? Interacting with complete strangers on a cycling forum alone, in my study. I suspect all posters in this thread posted when alone too.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I really get annoyed when he has a meal with us and eat with his tablet in front of him. I tried many times to stop him doing that but it always ends in an argument so I gave up in the end. At least, he very rarely seldom eats with us nowadays, that may be why.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
11 year olds are always going to over react to a slight imposition. They have grown up knowing nothing else.

Could we cope for long without electricity?

We once had no electricity for nearly a week. To add insult my van was stuck on the garage lift which they could not lower manually. Cooking had to be done on my old Primus stove and heat was from an open fire.
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