A world without Internet.

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Our daughter was without Internet for 24 hours yesterday and her son ( 11 years old ) drove them crazy cos he didn't know what to do with himself which raises the question: "Are youngsters so hooked on it now that their world collapses when the Internet is down?"
We live in a very sad world indeed.


North Shields
Without the internet you'd not have been able to make this post...

It's a wonderful and marvellous invention, which like all things can be abused.

That doesn't mean we live in a sad world.

This is the "analogue" view from my desk...



Über Member
In my experience with similar aged kids, their worlds collapse when all sorts of things are missing. TV, food they want, mates to talk to, space from adults, games. It's part of being 11 years old and growing up. They haven't developed life skills to manage things yet. I am sure when you were their age, there would have been something you would have struggled to be without for a time.

To be blunt, it would be up to the parents to manage their kid's behaviours and if the kid went crazy I'd say the parent played a part in that. Sorry, I know it's family. If my kids went crazy, it would be up to me to manage it both in the short term and the long term.

Big John

When I first started work we didn't even have a calculator. Then computers came along and then pc's. I packed in work 4 years ago and by the time I left if the internet went down all we could do was file stuff and twiddle our thumbs. Everything came to a grinding halt. I wish I had a time machine and go back to the 70s.


Itching to get back on my bike's
I think the internet/constant connection to people is why many youngsters (and I'm talking 20's too) can't deal with life's twists and turns, the good and the bad.

Very true


Leg End Member
11 year olds are always going to over react to a slight imposition. They have grown up knowing nothing else.

Could we cope for long without electricity?
Easy go without electric for a day or two. Battery powered radio, and books to read.

Solar powered battery charger for the radio batteries.


South Wales
Our daughter was without Internet for 24 hours yesterday and her son ( 11 years old ) drove them crazy cos he didn't know what to do with himself which raises the question: "Are youngsters so hooked on it now that their world collapses when the Internet is down?"
We live in a very sad world indeed.

Only if you let them be so hooked on it.

My grandchildren all have limits on "screen time", and know they can only use their tablets/computers/phones when allowed to.


Legendary Member
When I first started work we didn't even have a calculator. Then computers came along and then pc's. I packed in work 4 years ago and by the time I left if the internet went down all we could do was file stuff and twiddle our thumbs. Everything came to a grinding halt. I wish I had a time machine and go back to the 70s.

We had calculators when I started work but all the data recording was done on paper charts and we used planimeters to measure the charts and get to the numbers we wanted. It all got superseded as the technology came along.
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