a whole new threat for lone cyclists on country roads?

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Look at the end of YOU

Then go to specsavers. There is a sale on. :0)

O) is what I see this is a smiley as I know them^_^ I have been to Spec Savers.

Are you seeing something different. The text smiley :-) I think is another one.

Trouble is even if I had seen the smiley I might have presumed you liked the fact a Stanley fitted in there.

There are plenty of people riding bikes and carrying weapons, some on here will I imagine.
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Prize winning member X2
Tazer insert smiley but tablet doesn't show them
You cant carry a tazer either !

The inaugural cyclists clay pigeon white van shoot was in full swing....
I wonder if this is neither new nor restricted to country roads ...

(never heard the outcome of this, so I don't know if the police even worked out what happened)
I cycle through some ropey areas, and often her people shouting odd stuff, more notably when they are crossing the road or hanging outside Ladbrokes. Some of the lines I've heard... "Abul, I've got a bike for you", or "Push him off", "Ram him ram him" and even experienced a youth try and swipe my rear wheel as I passed but he comically missed and fell over into the path of the car behind, he was with a gang of older boys who were shinig a lazer pen into the eyes of stationary traffic. If only the worst had happened to him, he got off lightly as this driver wasn't texting at the wheel or drunk. These kids were so fat I don't think they'd seen a bike in their lives.

Keep your wits about you people, especially in the dark months and when people are crossing the road near you/you have nowhere to go due to traffic.
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Leg End Member
Landmine alarm attached under the saddle.
Similar alarm fitted under the seat of the Brox, pointing down, got the quickest response & reaction to date.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
always,expect,the unexpected, on canal tow paths weekend nights can be fun

I have cycled on the tracks through some ropey parts of Glasgow at night before. @Pat "5mph" thinks I am mad (well, my name does suggest it), but I make a point of keeping my lights off and going on my night vision where I can, so if there are people there, I am not immediately obvious, plus I can usually see a lot more than if I rely on a beam of light. It also helps if I know the path I am on.

That said, a few years ago (1997), I was cycling through Drumry DURING THE DAY on my then relatively new Raleigh Max Ogre (later named 'The Tank' and now in the great garage in the sky) and came across a large group of boys (about 10 - 12 years old. I was 15 at the time), all armed with sticks.

They asked me to stop, but when I asked why, they didn't give an answer (they obviously hadn't thought that far ahead). I asked again, still no answer, so I took off and raced away from them with them shouting and throwing their sticks at me! :giggle:

I do wonder how effective they would have been if I had stopped but I wasn't going to find out, also, I only ever saw them the once, so I hope they didn't catch someone else.
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