A very delicate issue - (ahem) - (ladies may choose to skip this !)

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Senior hunter
Agree that a small saddle adjustment may be all that's needed. Looks nose down to me. If you are sliding forward, that puts undue pressure on the perineum.

You may need to level the saddle, as others have noted.

Also, make sure the saddle is under you. That might mean sliding it forward on the rails. An "upright" riding position by design puts more pressure on the butt, so these are important adjustments. If the bike isn't ideally sized, you may need to change your stem length. Maybe your stem is too long.

I would encourage you to see an experienced fitter (who isn't married to racing orthodoxy) and you might glean some info from VeloWeb's bike fit page (linked from below).

Only after experimenting, spend the money for new saddle(s), which most regular cyclists have a drawer full.

Oh, and proper shorts are a must.
Arch said:
Don't be so rude. Those are perfectly fine, and ideal if the rider wants to try toeclips and ride in any old shoes. You might be having a joke, but Beginners is not the place to flaunt your 'wit'....

Seconded. You might be gods gift to cycling Arch but we all have to start somewhere :eek:

Arch said:
Sorry CPD, I can't help much (being a lady, yes, I dared look...)

Rubbish, 'daring' had nowt to do wi' it, yer a woman, who was told not to look at summat, so naturally you just had to get a peek :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Randochap said:
.....may need to change your stem length. Maybe your stem is too long.

How d'you know how long his 'stem' is, have you seen photographs of him we haven't? :eek: :biggrin:

Returning to the thread's original subject, I got a 'Men's comfort' saddle for Halfrauds after suffering the self-same 'numbness' and it made all the difference.
Now all I get is what I term the 'North Sea' effect (after a Billy Conolly joke) where things tend to shrink due to the cold ;) :biggrin:
The reference to:- the ladies may choose to skip this is (excuse me)Bo**ocks.The problem affects the female form as well.Just because they don't have an obvious Penis does not preclude them(not all)from the same discomfort,what do you think they pass urine through?.The problem is pressure on the Perineum,a region between the Anus and Scrotum(Vulva in the female)and a reduction in blood flow affecting the nerves in the region(some refer to it as Numb Nuts)which is crap because it does not affect the testicles.The backward tilt on the saddle can be a cause,as already mentioned by a previous contribution input. If the sit bones are correctly supported many will find a reduction or total relief from the problem.The best result is achieved with a saddle that supports correctly, combined with a Pressure Relief Channel in that saddle.Your local Specialized Shop will have a cushion pad that shows where the sit bone pressure points are when sat on.They also have a very wide range of saddles from approx' £25 to a bank overdraft figure.I have had the problem(now no longer an issue) and my Lady Friend is now a very happy & comfortable bunny because she has followed my line and had it sorted.Safe, Happy & Comfortable Riding to you All.


Senior hunter
Browser said:
Seconded. You might be gods gift to cycling Arch but we all have to start somewhere :smile:
How d'you know how long his 'stem' is, have you seen photographs of him we haven't? :ohmy: :biggrin:

Irony detector alarm.

WTF up your nose?

A stem too long will make a rider "reach" pulling them onto the nose of the saddle. It was a suggestion of possible fit issues to be checked. That's what could give him a numb stem.

On yer bike.:tongue:
Randochap said:
Irony detector alarm.

WTF up your nose?

A stem too long will make a rider "reach" pulling them onto the nose of the saddle. It was a suggestion of possible fit issues to be checked. That's what could give him a numb stem.

On yer bike.:tongue:

Nowt up my nose, apart from Arch being rather too 'arch' in his post, thats all.
As far as the 'stem' comment, that was a whoosh for you I think (i.e. whooshed over your head) as I was making a Carry On-style inuendo reference to 'stems' and their, ahem, length :ohmy:

So on yer bike, and last one to the corner shop buys the next quarter of cola bottles :smile:


Senior hunter
Browser said:
Nowt up my nose, apart from Arch being rather too 'arch' in his post, thats all.
As far as the 'stem' comment, that was a whoosh for you I think (i.e. whooshed over your head) as I was making a Carry On-style inuendo reference to 'stems' and their, ahem, length :tongue:

So on yer bike, and last one to the corner shop buys the next quarter of cola bottles :smile:

No whoosh/ Re-read my comment. You whooshed it.

And I agree re comment, but wasn't it IAS who was rude? It was par for his course.


Legendary Member
To the OP: you don't say if you are wearing proper padded cycling shorts or not. This is the first thing to try, worn next to the skin - no pants underneath! For a great value for money short look at the dhb gear, Wiggle's own brand. I strongly recommend these: http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/dhb_Earnley_Cycling_Bib_Shorts/5360024489/ A bib short has the advantage that it doesn't slip down. In winter wear them under your tights or a pair of Ron Hill Tracksters.

Next, as others mentioned before the thread began to wander a little, your saddle looks a bit too flat. Experiment with tilting the nose up a couple of degrees; this will force you to sit further back on the wider part transferring your weight to your sit bones. Also experiment with the position of the saddle on the rails, I notice in your pic that it's right back, try moving it forward which again will put more weight on the rear of the saddle. Is the saddle at the right height? There's lots on the web about saddle height and position so I won't bother trying to explain here.The website of Sheldon Brown is a good resource here.

There are so many things you need to get sorted before you start experimenting with different saddles. Your sitting position is fundamental and you must get this right before you start messing around with the rest of the bike.

Nice bike by the way - what is it?


Rigid Raider said:

I think the picture at that link is about the gayest image I've ever seen. Makes Village People look like the All Blacks.


I had exactly the same issue when I started cycling for more than 2 hours in the saddle. I found the price of saddles a bit steep for a "lets just see if its the saddle" test. I had already tried many different adjustments.

Then I found this http://www.rido-cyclesaddles.com/ and puchased one.

It has made the world of difference, I used it for Oxford to Cambridge this year, 90 miles in 5 hours, with absolutly no ill effect whatsoever.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Browser said:
Nowt up my nose, apart from Arch being rather too 'arch' in his post, thats all.

Um, hang on, I was just telling I am Sparticus off for being rude about the pedals - and didn't you second my remark? I'm certainly not god's gift to cycling, I just happen to enjoy it, and I don't have hangups about what sort of equipment is 'right' or 'wrong' - it's what suits the rider that counts.

And then, you had a go at me for being a woman and looking when I wasn't supposed to. And yet you still said 'his' above.... Have you tried turning your head off and back on again, I think you've got a bug of some sort...:biggrin:

Now watch it, or I'll start a thread on mooncups.:wacko:

If anyone's going to the shop, I'm not keen on cola bottles, can I get a quarter of chocolate buttons please?


Arch said:
Um, hang on, I was just telling I am Sparticus off for being rude about the pedals - and didn't you second my remark? I'm certainly not god's gift to cycling, I just happen to enjoy it, and I don't have hangups about what sort of equipment is 'right' or 'wrong' - it's what suits the rider that counts.

And then, you had a go at me for being a woman and looking when I wasn't supposed to. And yet you still said 'his' above.... Have you tried turning your head off and back on again, I think you've got a bug of some sort...:biggrin:

Now watch it, or I'll start a thread on mooncups.:wacko:

If anyone's going to the shop, I'm not keen on cola bottles, can I get a quarter of chocolate buttons please?

Now I am a male type person but have heard that these are fantastic....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
levad said:
Now I am a male type person but have heard that these are fantastic....

Well, I'm a convert. Many chaps go a bit green when they are mentioned...

However, let's not scare CPD off....:biggrin:
New rule for Browser; Don't post when you are on nights, you are obviously not compos mentis enough to know to whom you are referring.
As you quite correctly said Arch, it indeed was I Am Spartacus who was being rather scathing about pedal choice, which is indeed what it is, choice, after all! ANd no, I agree with you, you probably aren't gods gift to cycling and neither am I (unlike IAS who is :biggrin:).
I've just Googled Mooncups and have instantly turned Jade green :ohmy:
Oh, I've done a Microsoft reset on my head, normal GIGO service will be resumed.
And I wasn't having a go at you for being a woman Arch, just for behaving like a typical one :smile:
Randochap, I'm pulling the plug as I believe we started at different ends of the irony/sarcasm line and messages got confusticated on the way through. I was trying, as is my wont, to be flippant about your serious reply, WRT stem length, to CPDs original post about numb bits and make a joke about the length of his 'stem' but it fell flatter than a pancake under a steamroller, so I'll get me coat and leg it before I get into any more bother! :becool: :biggrin:
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