Garmin Edge 1000: the "2019 bug". Fixing files so Strava will accept them:
This is where rides are marked with a date, often in April 2019, which causes the strava upload to fail. Garmin will almost certainly never fix this problem - they already have your money, and a new model out now for you to buy instead...
Anyway, that aside sometimes you can fix the time errors using the "fit file tools" link in the strava support section. However, sometimes even this won't fix the corrupt data - now it feels like that ride is lost forever.... but it's not:
If you find this happens, use the same set of tools, but instead of "fix corrupt time data", choose to amend the start time of the ride. You can even amend it to the same time as it already was, but it seems to re-generate the time data in such a way that Strava will now accept the new file.
So not so much a "fix" as a "fudge", but at least you won't get cheated out of any miles as far as your Strava followers are converned!