A theory that I've just made up.

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Smutmaster General
Andy in sig: I think you might mean "voiced" (like in the word 'this') and unvoiced (like in the word 'thing'). Phonetics uses "thorn" sign for the former, and "theta" for the latter. I know this stuff! :tongue:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
bonj said:
Courier: Brash, probably wears dark sunglasses even when not sunny, a smart suit but no tie, likely to be a 'wideboy' or likes to be seen as one.
Comic Sans MS: Has sympathy with probable audience, such as if they are remedials.
Courier: Brash, baggy short wearing, shaved-legged mixed-up personality, fixed gear, fixed inane (insane?) grinned, RLJ'ing pavement burning urban eco-warrior?

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Fnaar said:
Andy in sig: I think you might mean "voiced" (like in the word 'this') and unvoiced (like in the word 'thing'). Phonetics uses "thorn" sign for the former, and "theta" for the latter. I know this stuff! :tongue:

Fnaar me old China, you're right; I was getting my terms mixed up. I'm definitely going nowhere near fricatives and bilabials today.


Smutmaster General
Andy in Sig][quote name= said:
Fnaar me old China, you're right; I was getting my terms mixed up. I'm definitely going nowhere near fricatives and bilabials today.
Or the anal fricative! :tongue:


rikki said:
However radger's comment " For print, i prefer Palatino Linotype or Garamond, which are just slightly nicer versions of TNR (IMO) " piques my interest in a slightly nicer version of TNR for office use.

PL has wider characters than TNR for the same font size, Garamond has smaller characters and is slightly fancier


I like Century Gothic, Gill Sans or Courier for titles /subtitles and Century, Garamond or Palatino for text. In e-mails or forums I never bother changing the default...


I use Verdana, wonder what that says about me...?
SamNichols said:
1) 'Times New Roman' - I am incredibly lazy, and tend to rely on Microsoft Word to format my document. The Paperclip is God to me. I like authority figures and tend to keep in line with societal norms.
2) 'Arial' - I like my writing to be easily accessible to all readers, even dyslexics. I have a liberal bent.

This is a bit too close to home. When we merged with another firm and had to standardise our typeface, I had to admit that I used Times New Roman out of default and laziness, and Ian (now in the Labour Government) argued sucessfully for Arial on the basis that it is very easy to read.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Patrick Stevens said:
SamNichols said:
1) 'Times New Roman' - I am incredibly lazy, and tend to rely on Microsoft Word to format my document. The Paperclip is God to me. I like authority figures and tend to keep in line with societal norms.
2) 'Arial' - I like my writing to be easily accessible to all readers, even dyslexics. I have a liberal bent.

This is a bit too close to home. When we merged with another firm and had to standardise our typeface, I had to admit that I used Times New Roman out of default and laziness, and Ian (now in the Labour Government) argued sucessfully for Arial on the basis that it is very easy to read.

That's all very well, but you were still making your secretary use a quill pen and vellum and gothic script... :tongue:


New Member
Colne, Lancs
Yes it is more of a hypothesis, as it's completely unproven at the moment.
So my next additions:
'Garamond' - prefers the more traditional, but not so overtly as to use book antiqua. Cares about the way their work looks on paper and therefore thinks constantly about the legacy that their work might have upon humanity. Self-important but not overtly so.
'Comic Sans' - brash posing type (as someone has already explained)
'Any ancient of biblical Greek font' - Probably a theologian or a classicist, enjoys the feeling of tweed against skin. A bit of an anachronism (I only add this one is as I have, and regularly use, a Biblical Greek font)
'Pseudo-handwritten type face' - I possibly put smly faces above the letter 'i' as i think that it looks nice and makes people feel better. I believe that this is makes me connect with my audience, but in fact most think that I'm a bit of a simpleton. A pushover.

nb- I've noticed a trend among books I read to explain the history of the typeface that it uses. A weird last page to any book, in my opinion.


Senior member. Oi! Less of the senior please
The world
I got a CV sent me once for a job in really heavy Gothic - it went straight in the bin unread .

btw I had a font problem recently with my PC and found that Microsoft has sort of outsourced fonts - I think maybe for anti-trust reasons - and its made them harder to get.


Über Member
Monaco - lazy Mac user who can't be bothered to change the default font settings in Terminal or Text Wrangler (and doesn't fit either description of Courier, apart from having a fixed gear bike.)
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