A simpler time

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This symptom relates to something i realised years ago...everyone has an opinion in this country and more importantly ..wants to voice it.

Maybe 15 years ago i realised it, i was talking to my dad who'd been round the block...i said 'It seems everyone in this country has an opinion, just can't wait to stick their noses into everyone else's business'

His reply...
'It was ALWAYS that way, you just never realised it...thats why we always got involved with other peoples business around the world...its the 'British' way'

And then i realised...the internet has given everyone a voice...and you're gonna hear it :whistle:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
This symptom relates to something i realised years ago...everyone has an opinion in this country and more importantly ..wants to voice it.

Maybe 15 years ago i realised it, i was talking to my dad who'd been round the block...i said 'It seems everyone in this country has an opinion, just can't wait to stick their noses into everyone else's business'

His reply...
'It was ALWAYS that way, you just never realised it...thats why we always got involved with other peoples business around the world...its the 'British' way'

And then i realised...the internet has given everyone a voice...and you're gonna hear it :whistle:

And boy do we ever. :sad:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Helmets. Road rage. Daily Mail. Hi vis. E bikes. Close passes. Ronnie Pickering. Carbon fibre. Strava. Clipless pedals. Electronic shifting. Fixies. Adventure bikes. Heart rate monitors. Bluetooth connected gears. Hydraulic discs. Chris Boardman refusing to ride on the road. Suspension. Death kill slaughter. 29ers. Cheap far eastern carbon. Expensive far eastern carbon. Online only retailers. Indexed gears. BMX Bandits. Lance Armstrong....

Such a simple pass time or method of transport has become so damnably complicated. Does anyone hark back to simpler cycling time when one simply climbed upon ones bike and rode it? Ones cycling progression was simple - kids bike, cast off bigger bike, racer? Where the only drugs a professional cyclist might partake of was Woodbines? Where you weren't considered a slavering lunatic for riding a bike on a road because it was simply such a common eight back then?

Why is something so simple now so complicated, and are things any better, are we any happier with cycling today than we were back then?
If it's any consolation, I still find you simple, Drago :okay:


In between here and there
I recall chasing a chap in full kit all around Croydon on my new Peugeot Competition with my Jean leg tucked in and he was in a cycling kit at the time. Croydon High Street traffic lights having tried and failed to drop me (I was knackered to be honest) handed me a Dulwich Paragon card and said I should come along. One of my strangest regrets not doing that at 15, might have not had the 30 year gap between stopping and restarting Cycling :-( Should have felt a bit like being scouted by a Football team back then but it didn't, but it does now!
You had cycling clips?
What's the matter with tucking yer trousers in yer socks? :tongue:

Who could afford socks back in the day?


In between here and there
Oh and the streets were empty and I have zero recollection of any confrontations or problems with drivers,
Can it be that it was all so simple then? Or has time rewritten every line? And if we had the chance to do it all again Tell me Would we? Could we?

Perhaps I should insert the Smiley thingy
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Lucky. I shared mine with my 43 siblings and on the 44th day....... lets just say my dad couldn't afford condoms........
Grytpype-Thynne: Then you'll have to go abroad Neddie, won't you?
Seagoon: But..but..my wife. I can't leave her with 27 children.
Grytpype-Thynne: Isn't that enough?
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