A quick question, why....?

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Well-Known Member
I started because I ruined my knee and ankle playing footy and have never "got" the gym as a enjoyable form of exercise. Used to do a bit of MTB but bike had been lonely for a while. Hired a road bike for 10 days on holidays in Mallorca and totally fell in love with being on a road bike.

Other than the inches I have lost around my waist (4" so far since august), seeing the beautiful countryside where I am fortunate to live in a totally new way from the saddle, the best thing for me is the ability to completely switch off for a couple of hours and think about absolutely nothing but spinning the wheels and getting up/down the next hill. Makes a massive difference to me as have a challenging job that is difficult to switch off from


Itching to get back on my bike's
these days its for the exercise and save on using the car mainly


Über Member
I've cycled most of my life from a very early age. I had a gap from about 1995 or 1996 to 2009. I started cycling again to commute to work but over the last year I've started going for leisure rides so I bought a road bike which I also use to commute on sometimes.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Senses of;
Freedom when on my bike.
Challenge of a long ride
Pleasure on completing a long ride or challenging section.
Saving money on petrol and parking when commuting. (Until I spend it on bike stuff)

Added bonus is a lot trimmer than all of my contemporaries and hopefully delaying the speed at which the sand grains are falling in the Grim Reaper's egg timer, giving me more time with my family.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I'd like to think I can stop cycling any time I like. Just not prepared to give it a go!
Started to save the world, and found that the increasingly flabby, unfit, middle-aged man was replaced by a fit, trim and muscular one instead who ate lots of cakes and other good food. Now I need to be an inspiration to my son, need to get home at a consistent time for him, and love the really, really smug feeling of talking about what I can and have done.

young Ed

another added bonus is fitness, i now have pretty big thighs and find they are the one part that is pushing it on trousers. recently bought a new pair of tight swimming shorts and found they are fine round the waste but really rather pushing it on the thighs
stamina has always been good for me but cycling has definitely helped, went swimming for the first time in ages as in probably almost a year or at least 8+ months today and managed 130 lengths (3250 metres/3.25 km/2 miles) :biggrin:
Cheers Ed


Network Ninja
When I can actually cycle - I'm doing it to lose weight, but I get a lot of joy from cycling on my days off. I live near a few cycle paths so getting about is really easy. I have a 7 mile commute to work (by bike) and it's mostly flat and through cycle path and streets, it's a really easy commute and I really enjoy it.


Über Member
The area I live in over here in Denmark is something that would be akin to countryside England in the early 50s. I have a 12 mile ride home from work through small roads and country tracks. If I see 6 cars, its a gridlock.

I was in a taxi in Havana some 15 years ago and they had started putting up the odd set of traffic lights. Stopped at one of these behind a handful of cars the taxi driver was moaning about the nightmare traffic and apologising for the delay!

Whilst mentioning Cuba, I'm surprised there aren't more Cuban TDF teams/winners - the cycle rickshaw riders over there are amazing athletes.


Off out on the bike soon and its a little frozen near me to say the least. The better half in her pearls of wisdom,
"Your going out in this? You must be barmy!"
I then thought to myself yes for once she maybe right for once but im still off out.
But my question to you all is why do you all cycle or start cycling as a hobby or passion.
I always feel great after being out on my bike....sometimes i think its the only thing you can do as an adult that makes you feel like you are an 8 year old :smile:
I used to run a lot and my original thought was I would run the 9 mile to work and back but then I realized I just couldn't do it anymore so the obvious choice was a bike. Love the feeling I have when I've done some exercise and the freedom you get out on the bike is immense.


Senior Member
By cycling to work with a child seat on the back, I can fit some enjoyable regular exercise into my day while having a toddler in tow. Iffy triglyceride results in a blood test started it, but now I do it because it's the best part of both our days.
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