You worry too much. My manager said my IPhone was gay today because the back is a kind of Rose gold instead of silver/grey/black/white.Today in work we had one of the team building/culture days in work the Americans are so fond off and guest speakers and all the rest of it. There was also an element of charity work and one of the things we were expected to do was to design a Christmas card and the best designs would be selected, printed and sold for charity.
It was actually a lot of fun and I know I'm nowhere near a good enough artist to have my card selected anyway but I had drawn a snowman and as was common when I last drew Christmas cards when I was probably about 4 or 5, I put a pipe in the snowman's mouth. I then pondered the question of whether or not it acceptable to have a pipe-smoking snowman in this day and age or is it politically incorrect and potentially encouraging youngsters to smoke? The other thing of course is whether or not it's sexist to have a snowman and not a snowperson. One cannot be too careful these days days in case someone takes offence....
People in high authority been homophobic over the colour of a phone yes.