A question on political correctness.

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Today in work we had one of the team building/culture days in work the Americans are so fond off and guest speakers and all the rest of it. There was also an element of charity work and one of the things we were expected to do was to design a Christmas card and the best designs would be selected, printed and sold for charity.

It was actually a lot of fun and I know I'm nowhere near a good enough artist to have my card selected anyway but I had drawn a snowman and as was common when I last drew Christmas cards when I was probably about 4 or 5, I put a pipe in the snowman's mouth. I then pondered the question of whether or not it acceptable to have a pipe-smoking snowman in this day and age or is it politically incorrect and potentially encouraging youngsters to smoke? The other thing of course is whether or not it's sexist to have a snowman and not a snowperson. One cannot be too careful these days days in case someone takes offence....
You worry too much. My manager said my IPhone was gay today because the back is a kind of Rose gold instead of silver/grey/black/white.
People in high authority been homophobic over the colour of a phone yes.


Leg End Member
I'm curious. Who would be upset by seeing a robin?
Breast is normally dark red on most cards. Male not female. Seen by one part of the local council as sexist/excluding females.


Some bloke that likes cycling alone
The other thing of course is whether or not it's sexist to have a snowman and not a snowperson. One cannot be too careful these days days in case someone takes offence....

If I was asked to spend my time doing something like that at work, I would most certainly have drawn a cock, bollocks and tits on the snowperson.

In the interest of being politically correct, obviously.


I meant this as a sort of lighthearted thread but there was a small element of seriousness too as the thought did occur to me. The company (an American one) is very much PC obsessed even to the extent that we cannot call our staff Christmas party a "Christmas Party" but it is referred to as an "end of year celebration event" just incase we upset any non-Christians.

I recognise the need not to offend people but I sometimes think we've gone far too far.


Leg End Member
I meant this as a sort of lighthearted thread but there was a small element of seriousness too as the thought did occur to me. The company (an American one) is very much PC obsessed even to the extent that we cannot call our staff Christmas party a "Christmas Party" but it is referred to as an "end of year celebration event" just incase we upset any non-Christians.

I recognise the need not to offend people but I sometimes think we've gone far too far.
Wouldn't an "End of Year celebration" be out with the old, in with the new. 31st December would be a good date.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Link, or other evidence, please?
I tried Googling it but all I found out is that Joel Schumacher has been a very busy man indeed.


Has the memory of a goldfish
So have all the other religions got to change the name of their religious events then? My guess would be no.
For which part? The council printed cards won't be on sale whilst November.

Link added
I'm not a fan of people who say "it's political correctness gone mad" to cover up their annoyance that they can't use derogatory terms in mixed company and think that continuing to use them is clever and subversive. The kind who says "I tell it how it is" and "I'm entitled to my opnion!"

I'm also not a fan of the meddling halfwits who are offended on behalf of people who aren't offended, so I won't be commenting on this thread.

Except to say, how does wikihow fund these extremely detailed drawings of extremely niche subjects???


Leg End Member
I'm not a fan of people who say "it's political correctness gone mad" to cover up their annoyance that they can't use derogatory terms in mixed company and think that continuing to use them is clever and subversive. The kind who says "I tell it how it is" and "I'm entitled to my opnion!"

I'm also not a fan of the meddling halfwits who are offended on behalf of people who aren't offended, so I won't be commenting on this thread.

Except to say, how does wikihow fund these extremely detailed drawings of extremely niche subjects???
No idea, whatsoever.
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