A question on ladies cycling

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I hope this doesn't sound disrespectful, it's really not meant to be. I'm just watching the cycling show, which tonight is focusing on womens cycling.

I have read strong arguments offered on here that I can't quite grasp fully, that say if you're strong enough to walk up stairs, you've got more than enough leg strength to cycle up any (rideable) hill eventually. What stops us getting up is fitness.

I do circuit training, running and gym work and there are plenty of women there that are fitter than me.

Now that being the case, and accepting the huge generalistion, why can't women cycle as fast as men?


Legendary Member
I am assuming it's down to power, strength, muscle size, anatomy...we are however superior in every other way :whistle:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Respect to those that cyclocross both men and women. Just seen it on the cycle show for the first time.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Respect to those that cyclocross both men and women. Just seen it on the cycle show for the first time.
I did a bit of cyclocross watching this winter (lots of livestreams from the low countries and the UCI championships in the USA) and you can't watch the sport for long without coming across Marianne Vos. She is truly immense - and that's not just in cyclocross!

That Wyman lassie isn't half bad either. Nice to see her on the Cycle Show alongside Jo Rowsell tonight. Oh, let's not forget Hannah Barnes either!

In other news, I see United Healthcare over in the States have just set up a pro women's cycling team for next year. It's progress, along with the UK's Wiggle-Honda.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Now that being the case, and accepting the huge generalistion, why can't women cycle as fast as men?
You're confusing a single data point (you vs specific women) with a statistical generalisation (men vs women). The fastest men are faster than the fastest women, but that's saying something about a tiny handful of people. The fastest women are still considerably faster than almost everyone else in the world.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I did a bit of cyclocross watching this winter (lots of livestreams from the low countries and the UCI championships in the USA) and you can't watch the sport for long without coming across Marianne Vos. She is truly immense - and that's not just in cyclocross!

That Wyman lassie isn't half bad either. Nice to see her on the Cycle Show alongside Jo Rowsell tonight. Oh, let's not forget Hannah Barnes either!

In other news, I see United Healthcare over in the States have just set up a pro women's cycling team for next year. It's progress, along with the UK's Wiggle-Honda.

I have to say Jo Rowsells and Laura Trotts comments earlier about how cycling has changed in such a short time are spot on. I did some club racing years ago and i was only one of 2 girls. Now there really are a lot. But i agree with the cyclocross girl the prize money is pants for the girls and i don't know why sponsors don't want to fork out. Look at the crowds those girls pulled in York the other day.


Legendary Member
You're confusing a single data point (you vs specific women) with a statistical generalisation (men vs women). The fastest men are faster than the fastest women, but that's saying something about a tiny handful of people. The fastest women are still considerably faster than almost everyone else in the world.

I can see what you're saying and I don't disagree, but I reckon that in a general group, the males will tend to be faster than the females at cycling. I'd also say that if it was as you say, me vs specific women, I'd be backing the women. ^_^

My question's more why should this be the case if it's fitness rather than strength? I'm not saying the argument about leg strength is wrong, I'm more trying to understand it more clearly.
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