A 'prune' question....for you prune eaters

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More fluids definitely helps. If you don't mind the calories and have a branch nearby, Home Bargains do a big bag of dates for about 80p. I chop them up in yoghurt, but nice in porridge too.

I can also recommend getting a soup maker- about £30 plus. You can make fantastic fresh veg soup in 20 minutes. Pack it with chunky veg and you'll be soft and regular before you know it lol.

Chap sur le velo

Über Member
"Borrowed" from the humour thread....


Well-Known Member
As an update to this thread, I highly recommend prunes mixed with kefir for breakfast (or dessert in the evening). Kefir has a great acidic tang to counteract the intense sweetness of the prunes, which makes them more palatable for someone with a sour tooth like me. Plus kefir's pretty good for digestion in itself so it's a helpful combination.
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