I don't understand why people get so worked up about grammar and punctuation: apparently Feedback on the Beeb could fill an afternoon every week with complaints on that sole topic. There is often an undercurrent of middle class snobbery, a ludicrous conviction that bad spelling is lazy, ignorant and sure evidence of moral turpitude.
The purpose of language is to communicate, and if the meaning is clear is the form so important? Don't forget that these 'rules' are no more than a very recent consensus on what formal speech or text should be. They don't apply in other contexts and in any case language is a living, moving thing.
The purpose of language is to communicate, and if the meaning is clear is the form so important? Don't forget that these 'rules' are no more than a very recent consensus on what formal speech or text should be. They don't apply in other contexts and in any case language is a living, moving thing.