A pavement parking odyssey

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Yes, by me! :whistle: ;)

Forever know as the Bollard Toucher now.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
In my opinion, parking like this in the white striped area is fine as there isn't another parking bay on the driver side. If there was, anyone parking on the right as we look at it would have problems opening their passenger door. Sometimes due to my monocular vision I find lining my car up straight can be difficult at times.

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I 'witnessed' the idiot who drives this car roll back into another car last night. It was only a slight bump, more a touch I'd say and to be fair the idiot was struggling to park in a designated disabled parking bay, with the car he/she bumped/touched parked 2 feet in the bay, without a blue badge. 🧐 I think he/she might've done what I do sometimes which is listen for the reversing sensor getting faster, but not hearing it at all thinking you are nowhere near the car behind, while forgetting you are in no need to put foot on accelerator as you are reversing downhill neutral not reverse, which activates the sensor.:whistle:
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member

That reminds me of the car I saw parked over a dropped curb and covering most of the pavement a few years ago. It had stuff like 'helping the disabled live normal lives' and 'catering for the needs of the elderly' etc worded all over it!! :rolleyes:


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Reminds me of the Greater Manchester Council van that had an image of traffic lights on the back, with large lettering saying what each meant. Only he was stupid enough to ignore a red light in front of my bike camera.
Cheshire police were sufficiently unimpressed to make the driver pay for a course and the driver's employer wasn't too chuffed either.


Legendary Member
It looks like Cambridge may be in line to ban pavement parking. Carncillors have agreed a trial and will be using TRO's as the legal mechanism to permit enforcement.

We're seeing a trickle hopefully it won't be long before we have a flood.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
I imagine at least part of Cambridge councils motivation would be the lolly it'll generate.
Given the state of finance of most councils, it would seem an obvious source of additional money. Unlikely to be huge money spinner for many, but when councils seem to rummaging down the back of the sofa for cash, it should pay for itself.
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