My doctor sent me, and the Gym is linked and in the same grounds as ) a local hospital, and I still didn't fill in that form.Any gym that doesn't require you to fill in a form similar to the one below(at induction stage),doesn't have your best interests at heart,only your wallet.
Neither am I. But will qualify in 3 months or so then I can say I am. I offer free advice too, what I don't offer is advice based on nothing. I abhor this poisonous advise before info mentality that so readily infects these forums. It's rarely the OP's fault though, blame is squarely at those who ill-advise,well meaning people but offer potentially disastrous consequences.
I for one know now, that if any advice I ever gave caused serious injury or damage to any person, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
I'd avoid any gym where you have to sign away any rights to behave as an adult.