The main trash disposal site for most of the county I live in is just off Interstate 67. In the early 1970s it was swampland. It's now a mountain, probably 100 acres or more, and several hundred feet high. Actually, two mountains; they covered the first one with sod and grass and they're working on a new one.
All the locals call it "Mount Trashmore", more a play on words than a description, as it's not obvious it's a trash pile from the freeway. There are pipes sticking out to vent methane gas from food waste. They used to light them at night to burn off the methane, which I thought was rather decorative, but now they just vent it without lighting it up.
I fully expect some time in the future when the site is completely full, it will be sold to developers who will rename it "Eagle Crest" or "Falcon Point" and build roads and McMansions all over it.