Legendary Member
bonj said:Hmm.. I think a good way of putting it might be, it's a "cyclists' forum" rather than a "cycling forum". There are probably only one or two people on here who post advice that singularly and on its own merit I would trust absolutely to the letter. That's not to say there aren't lots of people who weigh in with either confirmations of what I wanted to hear which is probably right for me, or what in its collective form makes sense generally, or stuff that gets the message through even if I have to apply my own interpretation to it...
Again good points,but as a commuter cyclist,i dont just come on here to read or chat a bout commuting,as,you may have noticed,some have a very different riding style to mine,of which i dont get any grief on the roads ,they do.I did origionally ask begginers questions,when i first joined,but found there to be more than that on here,and kept me coming back,out of interest,or just a laugh or debating something someone said that i dissagreed with.The thread you link to is i think a good example of the humour on here,sometimes we find it funny ,sometimes not,but that s the point,there is alsorts going on all the time,its not just rigidly cycling based.