I love that frame - please consider gold lug lining
Thanks Carpenter, much appreciated. Gold lug lining absolutely considered & was my first idea too

As an aside, the filing & finishing of the lugs is really sharp & fine - the frame's had a lot of compliments for the quality of it's construction.
The Classic Frame Builders page (at Classic Lightweights) is, in my view, probably one of best pages on the internet - showcasing the brilliance, depth of talent and history of the great framebuilders:
I used to work just round the corner from Bill Gray*'s last place of work in London: I'd never meet him but - if the Wakefield is one of his frames as thought most likely to be - to be looking after a special piece of frame building history is a privilege.
'one of Britain’s top framebuilders of the classic era and whose work, whilst less well known than others who built under their own name, is no less well regarded by those in the know.'