A dangerous dog.... always a dangerous dog!!!!

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New Member
Haven't been attacked so to speak but many of the dogs on my route take up chase for a bit. Only one has ever gone for a nip and he got a nice boot in the head for his efforts and ran back home with his tail between his legs. A few days later he tried it again at which point I skidded to a stop, got off the bike and stalked back towards his house shouting something along the lines of "You ignorant motherf*cker. One kick not enough?" He scarpered again and since then we enjoy a fine relationship. He hides in the hedges and I growl as I pass him.

I believe it's called a commanding presence.

Thats how you do it. :biggrin:


The more you ride, the less your ass will hurt.
Thats how you do it. :biggrin:

Personally, I think he's just calculating trajectory and velocity to take me straight off the saddle.
I have been and still am the owner of a large breed dog and I do have some experience in this area.

Did you take him in the Cobra?


Iain p

Active Member
Thats not a dog, its a bear!

:biggrin: Big softy, but the slobber can drive you mad :blush: . Must admit i have a soft spot for dobermans, have been thinking of getting one next.


New Member
:biggrin: Big softy, but the slobber can drive you mad :blush: . Must admit i have a soft spot for dobermans, have been thinking of getting one next.

This one is our fourth, I love Dobies always have.

The only problem with them is that you get so attached to them, they only live about 10 years and they break your heart when you lose them,


North Wales
So if a kid starts a fight in the school playground what do you recommend? Shoot it?? Same thing imo. Yes, some breed's disposition will make them more succeptable to becoming dangerous when the people who buy them dont raise them properly, but in all but the rarest circumstances of genuine mental inbalance, a pup is a blank canvas. Its adult behaviour is mapped out by the handling, socialisation and experiences it has as a youngster.

And up to now in my life I am yet to meet a human that has been more genuine than a dog.


New Member
So if a kid starts a fight in the school playground what do you recommend? Shoot it?? Same thing imo. Yes, some breed's disposition will make them more succeptable to becoming dangerous when the people who buy them dont raise them properly, but in all but the rarest circumstances of genuine mental inbalance, a pup is a blank canvas. Its adult behaviour is mapped out by the handling, socialisation and experiences it has as a youngster.

And up to now in my life I am yet to meet a human that has been more genuine than a dog.

Have you met User482? :rofl:
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