Elmer Fudd
Miserable Old Bar Steward
- Location
- Durham, and I am the eejit
Bonj, PMSL here !
Now let us see how you really do it !
Now let us see how you really do it !
ah right, so you feel it's quite ok to beep just simply to reprimand someone then do you. What about if someone turns left and doesn't signal, do you "reprimand" them for that aswell by beeping?BentMikey said:Yes, I thought the beep for the no-right turn turn was quite justified, assuming that was what caused it.
It wasn't that secondary, if you look at where I am when I get to where the cycle lane starts I'm quite a bit to the right of it. I did once get cut up there by some idiot that decided to turn left from the middle laneBentMikey said:Another one that left me feeling uncomfortable was that nip in front of two cars waiting at the roundabout, and then only in a half-hearted seconday position.
Wait behind the cars? But there's an ASL!?BentMikey said:I would have gone behind the cars, and stayed in the middle of the lane all the way around there.
Yeah but over the course of a year, that's nearly 3 hours. 3 hours that could be spent doing something a lot more worthwhile.BentMikey said:If it were me I would simply wait behind in the lane, and carry on afterwards. For me the advantages are that there's less exposure to close overtakes, less irritated drivers that have to repeatedly and unnecessarily overtake you, and it's calmer and safer. Plus bonj would only have lost 20-30 seconds over the whole trip, I would guess.
Arch said:He was lucky to just get a beep. Turning onto the wrong side of the road like that, with a roundabout just ahead, he's lucky not to get flattened,
bonj said:Oh come on.Don't pretend all cyclists don't do it.
bonj said:As regards the turning right against the sign, no, I don't. I won't need to, because the road won't always be like this. It's only a temporary thing - that road I came out of probably eventually won't be there, and the road parallel to it and to the side of it will be resurfaced into a proper road.
If it was like that permanently then it would be bad road design, because everyone would be tempted to do what I do - but eventually they won't need to as they will just use the proper road that isn't yet open.
That's a bit of a recursive statement. The law states what we 'have to' do - so to say 'we have to obey the law' is saying 'we have to do what we have to do, which is...' and it could go on and on. But at the end of the day, some people choose to break the law, and it doesn't do anybody any harm.Arch said:I don't.
BTW, bonjybaby, we have to obey the law as well you know.
Carwash said:Such prescience! How marvellous it must be to be able to cycle not according to how the road layout and signs actually are, but according to what they will one day become.
I wish I could do this. It would open up a world of possibilities - cycling merrily down roads that haven't yet been built, going the wrong way down streets that, in ten years time, will no longer be one-way, and over bridges that are still a mere twinkle a civil engineer's eye (take extra care with these!).
But is it not distracting for you, experiencing time in such a non-linear fashion?
Arch said:It doesn't matter how well you could see, that right turn was flagrant law breaking, for your own convenience. You're quite right that the horn should only be used as a warning, maybe the driver thought you needed warning that you were being a complete prat.
BentMikey said:That really was quite bad quality riding bonj.
bonj said:Highway code, rule 92, regarding the horn: "Use only while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence"
Carwash said:I wish I could do this. It would open up a world of possibilities - cycling merrily down roads that haven't yet been built, going the wrong way down streets that, in ten years' time, will no longer be one-way, and over bridges that are still a mere twinkle a civil engineer's eye (take extra care with these!).
Well even if I wasn't aware of his presence, by the time he beeped me I was out of his way so it wouldn't have mattered whether I was aware of him or not by that point. So there was no need to alert me to his presence.Arch said:Maybe, just maybe, he thought that as you'd ridden out against the flow of traffic, you weren't aware of his presence? Perhaps he thought you had some sort of eye defect that meant you hadn't seen all the stonking great signs?
bonj said:Oh come on.Don't pretend all cyclists don't do it.
Oh, well that's a good defence, isn't it! Imagine if you could use that for any crime:magnatom said:I don't. Look at my videos, do you see any where I have gone through a red light.
But if it's safe, I don't see the harm.magnatom said:As others have said, you can't go making up the rules for yourself.
The 'no straight bananas' rule and the 'no pounds and ounces' rule applies to Britain just as much as it does to any other EU country, but it doesn't mean it's a good rule or even that it's a good idea to abide by it.magnatom said:The no right turn sign applies to cyclists just as much as it does to any road user.
Nah, he didn't get a fright at all. There was no danger to him, or to anybody else for that matter. He was just aggrieved that someone had taken a short cut that he wouldn't have dared do and as such was probably getting to their destination quicker than he did.magnatom said:You probably gave that driver a fright. I think he was totally justified hitting his horn. He was warning you of his presence and warning you of the dangers that you faced and would face if you take that course again. I would say that was a very good use of a car horn.
I hate to play the 'evidence' card, but have you got any evidence for this?magnatom said:RLJ does affect other road users attitudes.
No, but that can actually be dangerous - although some people are better at it than others.magnatom said:Thank goodness we all don't have the attitude that 'well everyone else does it so my indiscretions won't make a difference'. Yes other cyclists do bad things but that does not justify what you do? Other people drink and drive, does that make it ok for you to do it?